A Boomer's Thoughts

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CONVERSATIONS i’VE HAD WITH OTHER DRIVERS (That they are not aware of)

What are the things you see on the road that help you understand the saying “Road Rage?” Here’s an incomplete list of situations that irritate me.

Traveling on a four-lane highway. Everything is going smoothly, Then, about a half mile ahead, I see a car has pulled into the “passing” lane, the lane I’m in- passing cars in the right lane. I slow slightly, expecting the car that just changed lanes to pass the truck it had been following and allow me to resume my original speed. Ah! If only we lived in that perfect world!

The speed limit is 55. I had been going about 65. The car that just arrived in my lane appears to be going about 45 or less. It’s cases like this that cause me to speak to that driver- in a most private way.


Did you not see me approaching quickly? Did you look before you changed lanes? You may not know, but that’s strongly recommended in the “Rules of the Road”- all editions! Do you think it’s possible to pass a truck when you’re going the same speed as the truck? Are you planning on turning left at the next cross street- 2 miles ahead of you? Are you aware that the left lane is designated as a “passing lane?” Did you know that the traffic laws clearly state that slower traffic is to stay in the right lane?

Anyone feel the same? Anyone looking to have me ticketed for going 10 over?

I’m usually not in a hurry. I’m retired. I have no place to go and forever to get there! If someone wants to pass me, I have no problem with that at all. However, when people race to get past me and then go slower than I was going in the first place- that trips a special kind of trigger.

My, one person, conversation might start with: Really? Did my bumper sticker offend you? (I do not have a bumper sticker). Was I obstructing your view? Are we playing leapfrog? Is it my turn? Do you want me to follow you, is Timmy lost in the mine? Is the cell phone reception better way up there? Did Google Maps tell you to do that?

How about texters? As most of you know, we didn’t have that problem when I started to drive. We had both the self-control to never do something that stupid and we had that advantage of no access to cell phones, I admit that lack of access is the real reason we didn’t do it. Texters are a real danger and an irritant at the same time. They are oblivious as to how ignorant and dangerous their behavior is. They wander from lane to lane (like an intoxicated motorist). They slow down for no apparent reason and then, also without warning, they speed up. They get dangerously close to the cars in front of them and/or on either side. And, often, they cause accidents.

What can be said to them that hasn’t already been said? HEY! Haven’t you seen the PSA’s? DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE!! It’s probably best they can’t hear the rest of what I have to say.


A last one I’ll mention here, although there are many more, those people who honk as the light is turning green. They may be the worst, I say sarcastically. Nothing gets under my skin as much as hearing a horn while I am releasing the brake and hitting the gas. I picture those people as the ones who had no friends in grade school because they took their hall monitor assignments too seriously.

What could I say to these people in a real conversation? Are you kidding me? The light hasn’t changed yet! I’m tempted to put my car in park and go back to ask them if they need assistance. When they answer, “No, the light turned green.” I could reply, “Oh, that’s why I was starting to go. But when I heard you honk I thought you might be having a medical emergency, so I came back to check up on you. Wow, look at all the wasted time here! I hope the light doesn’t turn red before I get back to my car!”

I hope you found this entertaining and, you can think of this the next time you run into a driver who shouldn’t be driving.

Let me know what your list is. Is it the same, close, any additions?

Thanks for reading, please follow me and tell your friends if you liked this. Tell me, in the comments, what you liked or didn’t like.


A forward thinking blog that likes to reflect on where we came from and the values we have developed along the way.

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