The party pushing for equality of results is largely responsible for males participating in female sports. I don’t think either one of these points is what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote that “All men are created equal.” My interpretation, which used to be universally accepted, is that created equal meant given an equal chance to succeed. Some common sense thoughts for me are:

Are these males trying out for the female track team because there was not a male team. No! Are they doing it because they want less competition? Possibly. They say they want to be on the girls team because they identify as girls. Well this is great for the small percentage of the population who identify as a sex that differs from their genitalia (1.4 million people of the total U.S. population of 323.1 million according a 6/16 New York Times article- that’s .004%). This is not so great for any female athletes who hoped to win track scholarships, and likely would have if they had not been forced to participate against opponents who were genetically better equipped, males, in a female sport. I could not find any firm numbers on males success, overall, while participating in female programs. I did find several articles in which female athletes had brought lawsuits to end the practice because girls, who once excelled and had hopes of scholarships and/or Olympic opportunities, were consistently beaten by boys.

In our current political climate there are two types of safe, Biden’s and Trump’s.

Biden’s Idea of safety during this Covid time of fear and overreaction is to stay locked down until it is deemed safe to come out. He has promised a nationwide order for mandatory face masks as one of his first priorities if he is elected. If you are for that, or could even conceive of additional relinquishment of other freedoms being acceptable, punch D and God Bless you.

Trump’s ideas of safety include support of the police, encouraging and supporting research for a vaccine, ending the lockdown A.S.A.P. and rebuilding the economy. He’s encouraging us to get on our feet, get out there and start living again.

In 2016 during a presidential election with a Democratic President, Obama, in office and the Senate majority held by the Republicans, The Democrats were calling for an appointment and timely Senate approval of their choice, Merrick Garland for the vacant Supreme Court seat. The Republicans were against it and they controlled the Senate. They refused to go through the process to approve Obama’s pick. In 2020, the next presidential election year, sitting Republican President, Trump, has chosen Amy Coney Barrett. The Republicans still hold the majority in the Senate and are in the process of approval while the Democrats are claiming this is unprecedented- that same action they were in favor of 4 years ago-. Republicans argue that there is precedence. 

Dan McLaufhlin of the National Review wrote that there are 29 times in our history that there has been a Supreme Court vacancy in an election year. The president made a selection in all 29 cases, 19 times between 1796 and 1968 presidents have sought to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in a presidential election year while their party controlled the Senate. Ten of those nominations came before the election, 9 of the 10 were successful. Republicans argue that their actions are not hypocritical citing combined control of the Senate and the Presidency as the difference between 2016 and 2020.

Some Democrat’s have suggested that if the Republicans are successful in finalizing the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court they will “pack” the court if they win the presidential election and take control of the Senate. In a 2019 CNN Report Kamala Harris said, “…I am open to increasing the numbers on the Supreme Court.” Asked the same question at her 2020 Debate with Vice President Pence she refused to answer.

Joe Biden’s opinion is not clear, in 2005, then Senator Biden said packing the Supreme Court would be a “Power grab.” In 2020 he has said, on October 8th, in an interview with MSNBC, “You’ll know my opinion on court packing when the election’s over.” Then on October 11th in an interview with WKRC TV Cincinnati, clarified slightly by saying he’s “Not a fan” of court packing- so in a week or so we might get an actual yes or no answer, maybe, if he feels we deserve it.

I hope we voters make the right decision this year. I know my choice. I believe Trump is the best candidate based on Biden’s unclear direction, weakness in statements and lack of accomplishments in 47 years of public office opposed to Trump’s accomplishments in his first term despite all the fires he was forced to put out as a result of Democratic attacks. By fires I mean statements that started on the day of the inauguration and have continued to present day, Russian conspiracy (No proof), Pelosi hints, then makes accusations of incompetence and mental disorder (No proof), impeachment (No proof of wrongdoing), now Pelosi has brought up the 25th Amendment again (Removal from public office due to an inability to perform the duties required). 

The Democrats claimed, and continue to claim, that Trump won’t accept the findings of the election! What’s the expression? LOOK IN THE MIRROR!, Yeah, that’s it, or maybe it’s THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK? Maybe both fit!

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  1. The only way boys should be allowed to participate in girls sports is if they have had sex change operations and take hormones.

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