Masking A Virus- is this necessary? Helpful? or Harmful?

When I was in school I learned about foreign lands in which churches were closed by government order and I cringed. I was taught about censorship in those communist and socialist lands. Newspapers were closed down and boarded up, editors put in prison or killed if they dared to question the government line. We learned that books that promoted freedom or offended the government were burned. Our textbooks documented government day camps and youth groups that encouraged children to report parents and family members who were not compliant with state mandates.

I asked myself how can a people survive without freedom? How could people, once free, allow freedom to slip away?

From near the beginning of this “pandemic” I have questioned the government overreach and wondered why it was accepted without question. Businesses were closed along with churches and all activities deemed, by the state, to be “nonessential” were ordered to cease, for the good of the people. As a result of this thousands of small business owners across the land have lost their life’s dream, countless businesses that took years to grow have gone bankrupt.

Now I have heard stories of doctors being fired from lucrative jobs because they published opinions opposing the government tactics in medical journals or just voiced an opinion that conflicted with the government line. It was also reported, although seldom in the main stream media, that doctors were claiming they had great success treating victims with hydroxychloroquine and zinc, a course of treatment endorsed by the president. Much of the media is opposed to the president and, as a result, these claims were answered with assertions that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and even deadly. Some doctors responded to these accusations by saying they had been prescribing it to treat Lupus for many years without any adverse effects. In the end hydroxychloroquine and zinc, although some declared it was a viable option, was not used on a large scale.

It was always my belief that in a representative type government we have discussions, debates and/or open forums when unexpected controversy appears. I can see where an emergency action plan might have been needed, but we are coming close to a year. I think, by definition, anything that is taking from February to October is no longer and emergency. Seven months is plenty of time to formulate a plan that does not violate our rights to assemble and our ability to earn a living and prosper. Politicians are doing everything but asking what is best for the people

I am not a doctor. But I did get an opportunity to watch a group of doctors who issued a press release this morning (October 18th) covered by ONE AMERICA NEWS. The doctors were part of a group called “AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS” when I went to verify the group I saw many opinions for and against them. Some people are trying to discredit them and I ask, what have they got to gain? They were all successful doctors until they spoke out, and now some of them have lost their jobs. Their reputations have been attacked. In my opinion, keeping quiet would have been the right play if they’re just looking for money. These doctors believe, as I do, that the government lockdown is an unconstitutional attack on our freedoms.

The thing that makes a free society better than all others, in my opinion, is that instead of one supreme leader making an uninformed decision and following it we have citizens who have input (Through elections) and the freedom to do as we choose. In this “crisis” we have governors and mayors in states and cities, mostly Democratic, choosing to force their citizens to close businesses, wear masks in public and keep their children home instead of participating in the better learning and socialization opportunities of schools and classrooms. 

The following statements are taken from the presentation given by doctors from the group America’s Frontline Doctors. 

The piece started with a female doctor already speaking. She said that masks (Which are mandated in many areas) are useless as a weapon to fight the Sars Covid II virus, which is where Covid 19 comes from. She explained that the virus is 1/1000th the size of a human hair and the masks are not capable of blocking it’s path. She added that Dr. Fauci himself said, at one point, that masks can not protect us from this virus. She added that masks increase “perceived safety” only. She, and other doctors who spoke later said that the mandated wearing of masks (Which serves no medical purpose) increases fear and anxiety. She also pointed out that no scientific journal had endorsed masks prior to March of 2020 and said that “experts” who endorse masks are not following scientific facts.

The doctors called the mask mandate socially divisive and pointed out that there is nothing in our constitution that allows these mandates.

One of the doctors challenged the high death numbers, as I have in previous blogs, saying this virus is very survivable particularly if it is treated early and aggressively. In previous blogs I have mentioned that only 6% of Covid deaths list Covid as the only cause. The other 94% share the cause of death, in some documented cases the “second cause” was a gunshot wound, car accident, or terminal illness. I have been asking why is it necessary to “cook the numbers” if we are truly in a pandemic.

Dr. James Tadaro said that he recently re-tweeted a Forbes article (WHY THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION FAKED A PANDEMIC) that had been published about 10 years ago. He continued that the Forbes article gave numbers that showed the current “Pandemic” is minor, not nearly as serious, compared to other pandemics, as we have been lead to believe. Tadaro said that hours after he posted it Forbes deleted the article. Tadaro also said that the lockdown made no medical sense to him from the beginning. He said that Covid 19 is merely a virus driven disease that involves infection, inflammation, blood clots and breathing difficulties. The doctor said that all of these problems can be treated successfully. He also opined that the pandemic is over. He showed that a typical pandemic has a life span that includes a large spike in deaths followed after 100 to 110 days by a second, smaller, spike. He indicated with a graph that our large spike was in March and the smaller spike came in July. Tadaro admitted that the disease may linger for some amount of time but, he believes, the pandemic version is over.

Doctor Jeff Mitchell declared that government agencies, early on, recommended “Upside Down” medicine. He called it upside down because they told us not to go to the hospital, the opposite of common practice. They recommended patients don’t seek medical help, to avoid overcrowding hospitals. Mitchell continued, “Let doctors be doctors” he urged that we get the government out of medicine. He said the best way to treat Covid 19 is early and aggressive treatment and the “Upside Down” method of treatment is the polar opposite of that.

Dr. Jeff Barkey quoted the CDC’s (Center of Disease Control) own numbers which show that people under 20 years of age have a 99.999% survival rate with this virus. He gave many statistics showing that Covid 19 is very low on the list of things that might kill a young person. Barkey pointed out that it is more likely a school aged person would die in a car accident on the way to school than contract Covid at school and die. The doctor also quoted an article in Atlantic Magazine that noted there is no proof that children will be at risk to infect the elderly. He said schools have been closed in most of the country despite the known facts.

Dr. Mark McDonald a Child and Adolescent Psychologist in Los Angeles said that he has treated hundreds of children since early 2020 and they are all afraid. He said we have a pandemic of “Delusional Psychosis” caused by the exaggeration of the deadliness of this disease.

Finally there was a plea from a board certified physician who said she was fired from her emergency room job for speaking out. She asked any doctors who hear her to look at the science and ignore the CDC, NIH, AMA or another people’s opinions. She called on all doctors to weigh the facts and honor the Hippocratic oath they have taken.

Since February we, citizens of the land of the free and the home of the brave, have been locked out of our churches, forced to close businesses, forced to wear masks, limited on where we were allowed to go, limited on who we were allowed to associate with and in what numbers. Some of the governmental orders have been contradictory- you can’t congregate in churches, but you can congregate on sealed airplanes and you may attend protests! Citizens have been encouraged to report citizens who are not in compliance (Does that sound familiar?).

In my state, Illinois, we recently “opened up” to outdoor dining, and some indoor with restrictions. When the number of positive tests goes up (Not deaths), some of the restrictions will be put back in place. Friends of mine who work in the restaurant business are making plans to move to Florida- I don’t blame them. A record number of small businesses have closed since this fiasco, many more are teetering on bankruptcy. The mayor of our largest city was caught in a beauty salon (Ordered closed by Covid restrictions) after chastising a reporter for questioning why beauty salons needed to close- The reporter forgot that the Polit Bureau had deemed hair salons non essential! Our governor has laid numerous restrictions on us while his family jumps from state to state (in violation of said mandates). There are stories like this in other states also.

But when did it begin? When did we, as voters, stop insisting on honesty in government?

I ask anyone reading this to do their own research and follow their hearts. As for myself, I do find too many things happening that just don’t pass the “smell test.” Can anyone recall a quarantine for the healthy in our history? The politicians who are in favor of mask mandates are from the same party that was taking senior citizens (The most at risk group) out of hospitals and into senior living centers (Where they could, and did, infect more people from the group most at risk). Let’s wake up! That happened in New York and other states, it certainly lead to the high numbers in New York.

It is my opinion that our media could be very helpful in making our representatives act as our servants instead of our overlords, but, I believe the main stream media is a big part of the problem. And now, lawsuits are being brought against internet providers for their discriminatory practices!

We have an election coming up. Maybe now would be a good time to remind all of our “public servants” that we are the boss and we don’t like the way things are going! It’s time to tell the politicians who have gone to Washington and failed to serve that we are imposing our own form of term limits. It time to eject state officials who have slipped into the role of Enlightened Despot!

Please like and share, comment if you disagree- and comment twice if you like this.

When I was in school I learned about foreign lands in which churches were closed by government order and I cringed. I was taught about censorship in those communist and socialist lands. Newspapers were closed down and boarded up, editors put in prison or killed if they dared to question the government line. We learned that books that promoted freedom or offended the government were burned. Our textbooks documented government day camps and youth groups that encouraged children to report parents and family members who were not compliant with state mandates.

I asked myself how can a people survive without freedom? How could people, once free, allow freedom to slip away?

From near the beginning of this “pandemic” I have questioned the government overreach and wondered why it was accepted without question. Businesses were closed along with churches and all activities deemed, by the state, to be “nonessential” were ordered to cease, for the good of the people. As a result of this thousands of small business owners across the land have lost their life’s dream, countless businesses that took years to grow have gone bankrupt.

Now I have heard stories of doctors being fired from lucrative jobs because they published opinions opposing the government tactics in medical journals or just voiced an opinion that conflicted with the government line. It was also reported, although seldom in the main stream media, that doctors were claiming they had great success treating victims with hydroxychloroquine and zinc, a course of treatment endorsed by the president. Much of the media is opposed to the president and, as a result, these claims were answered with assertions that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and even deadly. Some doctors responded to these accusations by saying they had been prescribing it to treat Lupus for many years without any adverse effects. In the end hydroxychloroquine and zinc, although some declared it was a viable option, was not used on a large scale.

It was always my belief that in a representative type government we have discussions, debates and/or open forums when unexpected controversy appears. I can see where an emergency action plan might be needed, but we are coming close to a year. I think, by definition, anything that is taking from February to October is no longer and emergency. Seven months is plenty of time to formulate a plan that does not violate our rights to assemble and our ability to earn a living and prosper. Politicians are doing everything but asking what is best for the people

I am not a doctor. But I did get an opportunity to watch a group of doctors who issued a press release this morning (October 18th) covered by ONE AMERICA NEWS. The doctors were part of a group called “AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS” when I went to verify the group I saw many opinions for and against them. Some people are trying to discredit them and I ask, what have they got to gain? They were all successful doctors until they spoke out, and now some of them have lost their jobs. Their reputations have been attacked. In my opinion, keeping quiet would have been the right play if they’re just looking for money. I believe these doctors believe, as I do, that the government lockdown is an unconstitutional attack on our freedoms. They add years of medical training and successfully treating patients. 

The thing that makes a free society better than all others, in my opinion, is that instead of one supreme leader making an uninformed decision and following it we have citizens who have input and the freedom to do as we choose. In this “crisis” we have governors and mayors in states and cities, mostly democratic, choosing to force their citizens to close their businesses, wear masks in public and keep their children home instead of participating in the better learning and socialization opportunities of schools and classrooms.  

The piece started with a female doctor already speaking. She said that masks (Which are mandated in many areas) are useless as a weapon to fight the Sars Covid II virus, which is where Covid 19 comes from. She explained that the virus is 1/1000th the size of a human hair and the masks are not capable of blocking it’s path. She added that Dr. Fauci himself said, at one point, that masks can not protect us from this virus. She added that masks increase “perceived safety” only. She, and other doctors who spoke later said that the mandated wearing of masks (Which serves no medical purpose) increases fear and anxiety. She also pointed out that no scientific journal had endorsed masks prior to March of 2020 and said that “experts” who endorse masks are not following scientific facts.

The doctors called the mask mandate socially divisive and pointed out that there is nothing in our constitution that allows these mandates.

One of the doctors challenged the high death numbers, as I have in previous blogs, saying this virus is very survivable particularly if it is treated early and aggressively. In previous blogs I have mentioned that only 4% of Covid deaths list Covid as the only cause. The other 96% share the cause of death, in some documented cases the “second cause” was a gunshot wound, car accident, or terminal illness.

Dr. James Tadaro said that he recently re-tweeted a Forbes article (WHY THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION FAKED A PANDEMIC) that had been published about 10 years ago. He continued that the Forbes article gave numbers that showed the current “Pandemic” is minor, not nearly as serious as we have been lead to believe. Tadaro said that hours after he posted it Forbes deleted the article. Tadaro also said that the lockdown made no medical sense to him from the beginning. He said that Covid 19 is merely a virus driven disease that involves infection, inflammation, blood clots and breathing difficulties. The doctor said that all of these problems can be treated successfully. He also opined that the pandemic is over. He showed that a typical pandemic has a life span that includes a large spike in deaths followed after 100 to 110 days by a second, smaller, spike. He indicated with a graph that our large spike was in March and the smaller spike came in July. Tadaro admitted that the disease may linger on for some amount of time but, he believes, the pandemic version is over.

Doctor Jeff Mitchell declared that government agencies, early on, recommended “Upside Down” medicine. He called it upside down because they told us not to go to the hospital. They recommended patients don’t seek medical help, to avoid overcrowding hospitals. Mitchell continued, “Let doctors be doctors” he urged that we get the government out of medicine. He said the best way to treat Covid 19 is early and aggressive treatment and the “Upside Down” method of treatment is the polar opposite of that.

Dr. Jeff Barkey quoted the CDC’s (Center of Disease Control) own numbers which show that people under 20 years of age have a 99.999% survival rate with this virus. He gave many statistics showing that Covid 19 is very low on the list of things that might kill a young person. Barkey pointed out that it is more likely a school aged person would die in a car accident on the way to school than contract Covid at school. The doctor also quoted an article in Atlantic Magazine that noted there is no proof that children will be at risk to infect the elderly. Yet, he said, schools have been closed in most of the country.

Dr. Mark McDonald a Child and Adolescent Psychologist in Los Angeles said that he has treated hundreds of children since early 2020 and they are all afraid. He said we have a pandemic of “Delusional Psychosis” caused by the exaggeration of the deadliness of this disease.

Finally there was a plea from a board certified physician who said she was fired from her emergency room job for speaking out. She asked any doctors who hear her to look at the science and ignore the CDC, NIH, AMA or another person’s opinions. She called on all doctors to weigh the facts and honor the hippocratic oath they have taken.

Since February we, citizens of the land of the free and the home of the brave, have been locked out of our churches, forced to close businesses, forced to wear masks, limited on where we were allowed to go, limited on who we were allowed to associate with and in what numbers. Some of the governmental orders have been contradictory- you can’t congregate in churches, but you can congregate on sealed airplanes and you may attend protests! Citizens have been encouraged to report citizens who are not in compliance (Does that sound familiar?).

We live in a free country but many of our politicians have been treating us as though that is not the case. In my state, Illinois, we recently “opened up” to outdoor dining, and some indoor with restrictions. When the number of positive tests goes up (Not deaths), some of the restrictions are put back in place. Friends of mine who work in the restaurant business are making plans to move to Florida- I don’t blame them. A record number of small businesses have closed since this fiasco, many more are teetering on bankruptcy. The mayor of our largest city was caught in a beauty salon (Ordered closed by Covid restrictions) after chastising a reporter for questioning why beauty salons needed to close- The reporter forgot the polit bureau had deemed hair salons non essential! Our governor has laid numerous restrictions on us while his family jumps from state to state (in violation of said mandates). There are stories like this in other states, I imagine.

But when did it begin? When did we, as voters, stop insisting on honesty in government?

I ask anyone reading this to do their own research and follow their hearts. As for myself, I do find too many things happening that just don’t pass the “smell test.” Can anyone recall a quarantine for the healthy in our history? The politicians who are in favor of mask mandates are from the same party that was taking senior citizens (The most at risk group) out of hospitals and into senior living centers (With more people from the most at risk group). Let’s wake up!

It is my opinion that our media could be very helpful in making our representatives act as our servants instead of our overlords, but, I believe the main stream media is a big part of the problem. And now, lawsuits are being brought against internet providers for their discriminatory practices!

We have an election coming up. Maybe now would be a good time to remind all of our “public servants” that we are the boss and we don’t like the way things are going! It’s time to tell the politicians who have gone to Washington and failed to serve that we are imposing our own form of term limits. 

Please like and share, comment if you disagree- and comment twice if you like this.

5 thoughts on “Masking A Virus- is this necessary? Helpful? or Harmful?”

  1. When did we, as voters, stop insisting on honesty in government? – My brother and his wife say you have to expect dishonesty in government. I bet a lot of people feel this way. Some people are willing to put up with it.

    The people in this state have to insist on honesty! Vote the bad out of office. Only then will politicians get the message they had better be honest. Look at the history of our governors.

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