Most people are familiar with the term ripple effect, I looked it up and it is defined as “The continued or spreading effects of an event or action.” A rock is thrown in a pond and it causes one wave after another to hit the shore.

I have not been shy about my disagreement with how the federal, state and local governments are handling this pandemic. My first point of contention is that I do not accept it as a pandemic. I’ve blogged in depth on it, but a quick summary would be- I believe Covid 19 is real. I know people are getting sick, and some are dying. I don’t know why, if it is a real pandemic, deaths listed as Covid 19 include accident and gunshot victims along with people in hospice for reasons other than Covid. If this is really a “Pandemic,” why do the government officials in charge of keeping the statistics feel it is necessary to inflate the numbers? What are the real numbers?

My second point is, even if it is a pandemic, I am not aware of any plague, pandemic or large outbreak of disease in the history of the world in which any government has chosen to quarantine everyone- infected, healthy and questionable. I believe this lockdown/quarantine is the biggest attack on our civil liberties in the history of our country. Unprecedented is a gross understatement.

I brought up ripple effect because that is something nobody is talking about. This is being framed as, “a little inconvenience to save lives.” “Why can’t you just bite the bullet and wear a mask for awhile?” “Just stay inside unless you have to go out for essential items.” The government is essentially ordering U.S. Citizens to close “non essential” businesses. They decide what “non essential” is. They are closing churches and leaving marijuana stores open. They are allowing protests, but not allowing much smaller social gatherings and we are not protesting that.

I do not believe this is a little inconvenience. I believe a lot of big, important, facts are being ignored. A main point is that many medical professionals, Dr. Fauci included, have said the masks are useless against The Covid 19 virus. There are no discussions of the usefulness of masks, or weather the lockdown is saving more lives than it is costing because anybody who speaks out against the protocol is silenced.

Many of the closed bars, restaurants and other “non essential” businesses are now closed forever. Cumulatively this means tens of thousands of lost jobs. Tens of thousands of lost jobs lead to suicides, depression, alcohol abuse, domestic incidents- the ripple effect.

A normal pandemic kills people of all ages. The death toll of this pandemic would be minimal if senior citizens were eliminated from the curve. To head off many of the “knee jerk” reactions, I will add that I am a senior citizen and I understand that every life is precious. I also am very concerned about the ripple effect of all of these “little inconveniences.” We are, constitutionally, a country opposed to the government interfering in our lives, yet we our allowing it to diminish the lives of everyone who’s paycheck is lower due to government interfering with their ability to earn a living. That lack of freedom is causing the term “Stir crazy” to be used a lot more often.

I’ve made a little list of people whose jobs were effected by the government imposed lockdown: School bus drivers, Store employees, Cruise lines, Airlines, AMTRAC, Commuter trains and busses, Bowling alley workers, Arcade workers, Book store employees, Bar supply company employees, Restaurant supply company employees, Businesses that rely on commuter business (Convenient stores etc), Church workers, Actors, All workers involved in live entertainment, School workers, Recreation center workers. With all of these workers listed there are also owners. Most of the business owners are the rich guys we’ve been taught to hate, many are struggling day to day to build a dream, and many of those dreams have been shattered by the government orders.

I’m sure there are many more, but I wanted to show it is not a small thing.

There are many other people, or groups of people whose lives were adversely effected since mid March by the government mandates. Graduates, students, people who have gone with no relaxing personal contacts since mid-March, families who experienced deaths and couldn’t have traditional funerals, singles unable to date or attend functions where they could meet people, people who suffered from limited medical help because hospitals and medical practices limited their access and laid employees off, people who were deprived of religious services- and then could only attend drastically altered services such as “Drive in Churches, kids sporting events.

I have been called selfish for wanting this to end. I am an old guy. This craziness is being ordered in the name of helping me, I don’t want it! I would like my government to stop interfering in my life and the life’s of co-workers, family and friends.

Am I wrong, comment if you think so. Better yet, comment if you agree with me.

Thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it.


  1. There is so much contradicting info being published it’s hard to know what is really the truth. So I wear the mask that fogs up my glasses and follow orders. I too am old and would like to see my friends. It would be nice to be able to go back to volunteering at DuPage County Animal Services. Trying to sleep for an entire night is now impossible. You don’t really sound selfish, just extremely frustrated with all that’s NOT happening in your world. So let’s keep praying for an end to all of this craziness!

    1. Not only frustrated, but concerned. There are actually tens of thousands of small businesses that will never re-open due to this prolonged lockdown. I do not believe it is constitutionally legal, necessary or beneficial, yet here we are.

  2. You made some really good points there. I checked on the web for more info about
    the issue and found most individuals will go along with your views on this

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