Here are my views on the candidates based on what I have seen in the media. I feel it is necessary to put out as much positive news on our sitting president as possible since the last number, I have seen, is that 93% of the main stream media of Trump is negative.


Biden is a Catholic who says abortion is ok (Contrary to Catholic doctrine) and he will renew the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. His party keeps pushing the line on it. Democratic Virginia Governor Northam, speaking in a radio interview, said if the baby was alive they would resuscitate it, if it was the family’s wishes, and then discuss it with the family. Biden had nothing to say about the “Live birth abortion” controversy. It sounds like murder to me.

Trump is a Christian who has appointed three Supreme Court judges and several judges to the appellate courts who are constitutionalists and would, more than likely, vote down the Roe v Wade decision if it comes up before them. This is so likely that Democrats, including Kamala Harris (Biden’s VP pick) want to codify Roe v Wade and are talking about “packing” the court (Appointing enough judges to get a safe majority going well over the accepted 9 justices).


Biden has said his administration, “Would not build another foot of wall” in an interview with NPR Radio. According to a report from WSJ.com Biden said he would “Unwind Mr. Trump’s (I assume President Trump’s) immigration agenda: He would repeal the travel bans, restore DACA, end the wealth test and stop sending asylum seekers back to Mexico”.

Trump has built 400 miles of wall on the Southern Border despite a refusal to fund the project by the Democrat controlled House of Representatives- I feel that because the wall was a campaign promise and the American people voted him in, it should have been appropriated- but it wasn’t. Despite this interference President Trump is moving on with the project. The President also temporarily closed the Southern Border to asylum seekers for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic. While the Democrats are saying this was a racist move, President Trump’s support with the voting citizens of the Hispanic Community is growing, they see it as security and understand that President Trump is only prohibiting those who are attempting to enter illegally by building the wall. Trump has recommended the practice of not allowing asylum seekers into this country pending hearings because a large number of previous asylum seekers were allowed to enter the United States pending a hearing and then were never heard from again.


Biden was Vice President of the United States under Barack Obama. I was a veteran police officer when Obama was elected. I felt his election opened the door to a final resolution of the race dilemma; instead many incendiary remarks made by President Obama related to lawful police contacts with Black citizens ignited a powder keg that is to this day causing injury and death to police officers. When a White police officer, responding to a suspicious subject call in Cambridge Mass., stopped a male Black who was dressed in dark clothing and climbing through a window to gain entry to a residence the officer stopped him. The president condemned that officer in the court of public opinion all the way up to the point where it was determined that the officer in question had acted completely properly in all ways, including putting up with crude statements made by Obama’s friend, the suspicious subject. -This ended in the Beer Summit. A huge slap in the face to police officers that increased the hatred by some, and the belief that policing is “systemically racist.” There was a lot of bad press followed by a short, ooops. The Obama administration learned nothing from this. Every opportunity the first Black President had to build a bridge between the police and the Black Community he, instead, made incendiary statements. In Ferguson Missouri the officer did nothing wrong, that was proven after several Black witnesses testified on his behalf! The president, prior to the opportunity to obtain any pertinent facts, showed obvious signs that he felt the officer was racially motivated and at fault and local investigators could not be trusted to find the truth. Attorney General Eric Holder was sent to Ferguson along with the FBI and The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division- Every police officer I know. Black and White, felt that cried out that the president believed the local police could not be trusted. Biden has never failed to bask in the fact that he held the second highest office in the United States. He said nothing pro-police at that time when it would have meant so much. In his current campaign he has not made any pro-police statements when, again, the police community needs them desperately, instead he speaks of “systemic racism” in policing. I hear that term often, in 35 years as a sworn officer I never saw it. In this current environment I’m sure it’s worth a few votes to say cops are systemically racist- He wont’ get mine.

Trump was endorsed by the largest police unions (Fraternal Order Police 355,000 officers, Patrol Benevolent Association- the largest police union in New York City). He deserves it. At every opportunity he has had he has portrayed the police as doing a public service that is hard, necessary and requires officers to make life changing decisions under extreme pressure. Patrick Yoes, President of the FOP said, “Look at what the discourse has focused on for the last six months. President Trump has shown time after time that he supports our law enforcement officers and understands the issues our members face everyday.” President Trump recognized the riots in the streets in many major (Democratic controlled) cities and offered federal help while the Democratic Convention did not even acknowledge the violence. Many Democratic mayors refused the help and some had ordered their police to stand down. After the Democratic controlled cities and states have seen violence they point to the violence as Trump’s fault- he is not allowed to send in troops without permission. Local violence is not something the Federal Government is allowed to address, particularly when mayors and governors are saying stay out.


Biden voted against a bill that did not hold gun manufacturers liable for people shot with their guns. The law passed and Biden’s campaign literature claims “.. passing this law protects these manufacturers from being held civilly liable for their products – a protection granted to no other industry. Biden will prioritize repealing this protection….” This is disingenuous. If a car blows up because of a flaw in how it was manufactured the company is held liable. If a drunk gets behind the wheel and kills someone the company is not held liable. The same holds true for the guns. If the gun blows up and injures the shooter- the manufacturer will be held liable. If a gun is used to shoot an innocent party, the manufacturer will not, and should not, be held liable. Seeing this add reminded me that Biden is still saying that Trump said Nazi’s and White Supremacists were good people- this has been proven to be a false statement, yet he uses it regularly because he knows the main stream media will never call him on it.

Trump is pro second amendment, in a Twitter response he said, “Big Second Amendment believer but background checks to weed out the sicko’s are fine.” That is exactly how I feel.

Biden has held public office for over 47 years. He has done nothing notable other than acquire a large fortune. I have asked many of his supporters to name five Biden accomplishments over those years and they have not offered anything. Beiden’s campaign is not touting his accomplishments, it is disparaging Trump- sometimes with known lies.

Biden says he will be a president for everyone while calling Trump supporters CHUMPS! That doesn’t make me feel warm and fuzzy, and his claims that he will pull the country together seem, to me, suspect based on the many divisive statements he has made. The Dem’s are constantly saying, at least for the last 4 years, that Trump is not presidential. Then, in the first debate Biden said, “Will you shut up man.” and the Dem’s are selling t-shirts with that saying on them. I’m confused, Is it just “unpresidential” if Trump says it?

During his limited campaigning Biden has said he was running for the Senate, he said he was in the wrong city, he called Trump Bush and made many other errors. Did any of you hear this stressed in the main stream media? I did not!

I like what Trump has done in 47 months much more, I believe, that Biden has in 47 years. Progress on the wall, appellate court appointments, Supreme Court appointments, Three treaties in the Mideast, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, almost 4 million jobs created, 400,000 added manufacturing jobs, many more financial achievements by lowering restrictions, signed right to try prescription drug legislation, signed numerous acts improving medical treatment for veterans. These are only a few of his achievements I will list more in my next blog.

The memory of the IRS refusing to award charitable status to conservative leaning charities in the Obama/Biden administration still burns in my mind. The fact that we were told we can keep our doctors under Obama Care- and couldn’t under Obama/Biden remains a strong memory. Does anyone remember Nancy Pelosi saying, Obama Care must be passed, “To find out what’s in it.” I remember serious talk of limiting what shows could be aired on talk radio when the conservative stations were speaking out against Obama/Biden. I do not want to see people who think and act like this elected.

I could be wrong. I often am. Please like, or comment, to let me know if you agree or disagree with me.




  1. Tough one – abortion I don’t want to go back to the time when women were dying at the hands of an illegal abortionist using a hanger. One of the main arguments back when abortion became legal was that women would have contraceptives available to them to prevent pregnancy. Therefore there would be very few abortions. But that didn’t happen. A compromise would be abortions would only be performed in first trimester. Partial birth abortions have to stop. My personal view is that life begins at conception. Abortions would be ok in cases of rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother. Men and women have to take responsibility.

    Border wall – I don’t know if it will stop illegals from coming into the country. We have to take a strong stance against illegals coming here, just like other countries.

    Support of police – It seems to be popular to bash the police in the last 10 years or so. It’s like politicians are afraid of telling the truth about police officers. The police have made mistakes but is not indicative of systemic racism. God help us without them.

    Americans seem preoccupied with the need to be popular both within our country and around the world. We need a strong president. Biden seems wishy washy. Trump is abrasive and rude. Biden seems like a nice man but would not be a strong president. I don’t like Trump but he has done a good job getting things done. So who to vote for??? By the way I like what you write. You make us look at topics that are uncomfortable and make us think.

    1. Thanks for your input. Real quick I believe the babies life starts at conception. Because of that belief I do not believe any abortion is acceptable. The border wall certainly would not stop all illegal immigration, but it would stop a large amount of it. The anti-police movement is just craziness in my opinion., but it is strong and, mostly, backed by the Democrats.

      1. What would you decide if the life of the mother was at stake? The question of rape and incest is also tough – to force a woman to relive the horror and violence for 9 months would be cruel. They could give up the baby at birth but what would that do to the mother emotionally if forced to do so. This one is tough for me because I don’t know if I would have been a strong enough person to handle it. But it would have been equally tough to actually have gone through with an abortion too – there would have been a lot of guilt.

        1. I believe the courts have always looked at abortion to save the life of the mother under a different light, even before Roe v Wade. When rape and incest is brought up, as they always are. I believe rape and incest cases are very low. The last year I found numbers for there were over 800,000 abortions. On a different search I found that less than 1% of abortions are attributed to rape and .5% are linked to incest (USA Today). My point is that if we keep abortion legal there will be over 800,000 babies aborted so 1,200 rape or incest victims can have that option.

          1. Wow, I didn’t know that the abortion #’s were that high. Whatever happened to birth control? The Catholic church doesn’t condone it but they probably would prefer that to abortions.

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