July 2021

July 16th marked the third birthday my family has missed with my son Daniel after he died on June 26th, 2019. Danny would have been 28 years old. Since that tragic day I’ve learned to say “I love you” whenever I am with family. I did tell Danny I loved him the last time I saw him and, I think, that has helped me deal with the pain, guilt, sadness and other emotions that come from losing a child to suicide. I beg all of you to ask for help if you need it and offer help when you feel it might be needed. The suicide prevention hotline number is 1 800 273 8255. Suicide is a terrible plague on our land that hurts family, friends, extended family and even people who had casual relationships with the victim. It makes many additional victims. I mourn Danny selfishly because he gave me great joy on a daily basis. I mourn Danny because I believe some of the causes of his depression were being worked out and he could have found happiness. I mourn Danny because he is no longer able to bring happiness to the family he loved; particularly his nephew’s and nieces that he knew and those born after his death. I will pray for Danny everyday until I am able to join him in heaven! I Love You Son!!

July 16th marked the third birthday my family has missed with my son Daniel after he died on June 26th, 2019. Danny would have been 28 years old. Since that tragic day I’ve learned to say “I love you” whenever I am with family. I did tell Danny I loved him the last time I saw him and, I think, that has helped me deal with the pain, guilt, sadness and other emotions that come from losing a child to suicide. I beg all of you to ask for help if you need it and offer help when you feel it might be needed. The suicide prevention hotline number is 1 800 273 8255. Suicide is a terrible plague on our land that hurts family, friends, extended family and even people who had casual relationships with the victim. It makes many additional victims. I mourn Danny selfishly because he gave me great joy on a daily basis. I mourn Danny because I believe some of the causes of his depression were being worked out and he could have found happiness. I mourn Danny because he is no longer able to bring happiness to the family he loved; particularly his nephew’s and nieces that he knew and those born after his death. I will pray for Danny everyday until I am able to join him in heaven! I Love You Son!! Read More »

Two years ago today I buried my son. Writing this brings immediate tears, but they have been with me regularly since June 26, 2019 when he took his life. My police department assisted with traffic well out of their jurisdiction. Friends and family hugged us, cooked for us, cried with us and did all they could to ease our suffering. Their efforts were appreciated more than they will ever know. But they had embarked on a task that could not succeed. Two years later I’m crying like a baby as I offer a silent prayer for Danny. If you are depressed call me, or call someone. If you know of anyone who might need help offer it. Suicide is a modern day plague that keeps on hurting. I love Danny and pray for him daily. I also pray that I could have stopped him. I pray that I will reunite with him, one day, in heaven. Danny, if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

Two years ago today I buried my son. Writing this brings immediate tears, but they have been with me regularly since June 26, 2019 when he took his life. My police department assisted with traffic well out of their jurisdiction. Friends and family hugged us, cooked for us, cried with us and did all they could to ease our suffering. Their efforts were appreciated more than they will ever know. But they had embarked on a task that could not succeed. Two years later I’m crying like a baby as I offer a silent prayer for Danny. If you are depressed call me, or call someone. If you know of anyone who might need help offer it. Suicide is a modern day plague that keeps on hurting. I love Danny and pray for him daily. I also pray that I could have stopped him. I pray that I will reunite with him, one day, in heaven. Danny, if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. Read More »


A forward thinking blog that likes to reflect on where we came from and the values we have developed along the way.

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