Dear GOP,

This is my response to your numerous requests for donations that ranged from humorous to flattering and from interesting to irritating. I’d like to mention that I am aware some of your pledge requests contained lines such as, “For your eyes only” or “Confidential.” I attempted to reply to those requests with narrative containing the following thoughts but, per your design, my response options were limited to dollar amounts.

I am still a true conservative (In answer to questions you pose in some of your requests). I have no intention of following Biden, Harris or Hillary as you have intimated in other emails. You have asked in additional email/donation requests if I still care; of course, I do!

I understand that you send your requests to millions of potential donors, and it would be costly for you to individualize the message in those requests. Do you understand that I voluntarily gave hundreds of my, hard earned, dollars to you in the past and that I am not “past due” on a note, rather I am a supporter who has my own agenda, budget, wants and needs?

Here are some of my concerns:

While president Trump was still in office the cry of “Russian collusion” was heard for most of his term. The Republican reply was that the Democrats were trying to divert voter’s attention from all of their failings. I heard there was strong evidence that the false cry that Trump was in bed with the Russians was funded by the Clinton campaign and the truth would come to light. I believed that. I still do believe that Trump was not involved, and that Hillary and other Democrats wrongly beat that drum well after it was proven to be a false narrative.

This leaves me with more questions than answers. How was the Democratic party able to get away with all those lies? Why is nobody in jail after an organized attack on a sitting president amounting, in my opinion, to an insurrection!

When Biden was vice president, he clearly stated in a televised press conference (I can no longer find the tape using internet resources, but I have viewed it many times. I didn’t save it, thinking it would always be available.) that he told The Ukranian government he was sent to give a large check to that he would not turn the check over until they fired a certain prosecutor. According to Biden, in the news conference, they did fire him, and he then gave them the check (That investigator was looking into wrongdoings involving Hunter Biden and his company, Burisma). This was, obviously, before the unfounded, but similar, allegations against Trump that lead to his first impeachment.

My question is where was the investigation into either of the Biden’s? Isn’t it time you start putting some of the people who are illegally endangering our country on trial? How is it that the Dem’s are always able to find a sympathetic court and the Grand Ole’ Party can’t? Maybe it would be a good idea to forget about anything but saving our country. I don’t care about the political cost, or what the polls say. I want to see the party with character, the party that seeks the truth! Could it be, as many have alleged, that you have your own dirty laundry and don’t want to stir things up?

I mentioned an insurrection earlier. That reminds me of January 6, 2021, a day the Dem’s and the Main Stream Media are calling an insurrection. I have seen security tapes debunking many of the investigating committee’s claims. I have heard of many of my fellow citizens who have no criminal history being arrested in pre-dawn raids by S.W.A.T. teams and illegally held without bond or trial. I hear Democrats, including Biden, calling it an “Armed Insurrection” when no weapons were used. I know of a radio broadcaster (Sebastion Gorka) who has been forced to hire lawyers to, successfully, protect his first and fourth amendment rights after the Dems subpoenaed his private emails and phone content (Gorka was not in Washington on 01/06/2021 and there is no known proof that he was involved in any way. Probable cause that there may be evidence is required to obtain a criminal subpoena- there was no proof offered for this subpoena). I am appalled that the committee is not addressing the FACT that 4 Capitol police officers have, allegedly, committed suicide since the incident. Where are you Republicans in your duty as watchdogs over our rights? Don’t you care?

In my opinion, the hypocritical press and Dem’s are overplaying a conservative action after minimizing a full summer of riots by liberals in which many more people were killed and much more property damage resulted; much of that damage on government owned land such as parks, police stations and monuments.

President Trump was a successful businessman prior to his election. Do you think he would back a horse who doesn’t win?

In answer to a question you asked me, before asking for a donation, NO! I haven’t given up! Have you?

I am tired of hearing about all of the Democrats who should go to jail!

I want to start hearing about the Democrats who are going to jail!

I’m tired of hearing of all of the evidence of wrongdoing.

I want to hear that evidence presented in indictments!

During President Trump’s re-election campaign Hunter Biden’s laptop was recovered. At some point, Rudy Guiliani was in possession of that laptop. Why wasn’t that made front-page news from the time of the recovery until the election, and beyond? I donated enough for several full-page ads in major newspapers if all of the press refused to touch it. Why aren’t the law enforcement agencies that failed to prosecute being held to account? Are you accepting the unacceptable concept of “The rich and politically connected have a different set of rules?”

I am a strong conservative. I am not a strong Republican.

I may become a strong Republican after The GOP stops giving donated money to the likes of Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Don Bacon, Brian Fitzpatrick, Andrew Garbarino, Anthony Gonzalez, John Katko, Nicole Malliotakis, David McKinley, Tom Reed, Chris Smith, Fred Upton, Jeff van Drew, Don Young and other RINO’s. I don’t mind a person who thinks independently, but if they run as a conservative and vote as a liberal, I believe, they should have been vetted better before they were funded.

Sincerely yours,

Phil Steik

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