I’ll just vent here for a while; I know it is therapeutic for some people to hear, and it is definitely helpful for me to unburden myself. This will be my public service therapy session- no charge!

I have written blogs about some of these irritations and I will probably write about them in a more detailed way some other time. Today I just want to get them off my chest.

Here is my list, in no particular order.

I hate when other drivers speed up to stop a car from merging and then proceed slowly, stopping the merging car from entering the lane designated for faster traffic. Sometimes they compound this nasty deed by pacing the car in the slower (Right) lane effectively inconveniencing drivers in both lanes.

It bothers me when a shopper checks out in the “Express Lane” with more than the allowed number of items.

I am truly irritated by drivers who think the “LANE CLOSED IN 1/4 MILE” sign was put up to allow them to pass all of the cars that have exited that lane as instructed.

I have no patience with people who don’t tip properly. Half of my family is in the restaurant business and I have been hearing stories about patrons “running them ragged” and then leaving a small tip, or no tip at all. For me, it has always been a rule, if I can’t afford to tip, I go to a fast-food place.

I have always been amused by people who dress outlandishly, girls with revealing tops, people with provocative tattoos or hair dyed some neon color, and are “offended” if you look at them too long or take a quick second look. It seems to me their appearance is screaming “LOOK AT ME!” And their reactions are effectively saying, “Why did you look at me?”

I hate when drivers don’t pull to the right and stop for an emergency vehicle with overhead lights and siren activated. As retired police officer I can’t tell you how many times I have been forced to avoid an accident with some dangerous evasive maneuver such as a quick lane change or panic stop because a car I am approaching with lights and siren activated stops suddenly without pulling to the right, merges to the left instead of the right or does anything other than pulling to the right and allowing me to pass safely.

It astounds me that any drug advertised on TV is accompanied by warnings about possible unwanted consequences (per our government’s demand) but our government is pushing a vaccine and targeting 100% compliance while ignoring reported deaths, heart injuries, gynecological problems and other maladies believed to be linked to the vaccine. Do you remember any other vaccines that required boosters and second doses? When is the last time the government insisted on 100% compliance on anything?

On a related topic I hate that doctors, scientists and other knowledgeable people who speak out about their concerns with the vaccine are censored instead of proven wrong. When did this start and why are we, as citizens, tolerating it?

Thanks for reading this to the end. If you have any things you hate please comment- this is by no means an “all inclusive” list.

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