I don’t know how everyone else feels, but I suspect that the majority of Americans are disagreeing with the Mainstream Media (MSM) more now than ever before.

I have provided a short list of things the MSM has written, or chose not to cover thoroughly, recently that caused me to scratch my head. See if you agree or have an opinion on the list I’ve chosen out of the many possible examples. I’d also like to hear what headscratchers you may have that didn’t make my list.

January 6th “insurrection”:

NOTE: I just attempted to find photographs of the George Floyd riots by checking George Floyd riots, then demonstrations, then incidents and was offered only a photograph of a boarded up building and 3 other generic photographs with none of the violence or burning buildings shown. I also attempted to get photographs of The January 6th “Insurrection”- or riot- or demonstration and could not find anything.

Here are some facts reported by the conservative outlets I listen to that, to the best of my knowledge, have not been widely reported in the MSM outlets:

  1. One person was actually killed at the incident, even though MSM has been reporting varying numbers including quoting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ saying “Almost 10 died” without calling for a fact check. That reminds me of when a young child says they are 4 and 1/2 years old, wishing to be seen as older? Does AOC wish more had died?. The one actual death at the incident was an unarmed female who was shot by a Capitol Police Officer. NOTE: Ocasio-Cortez’s count includes four reported suicides (Of Capitol Police Officers-see #5), two rally participants who died of heart failure- including one who died before the others had entered The Capitol, and one rally attendee who the MSM reported had been trampled (Always first with the news weather it’s true or not) while the truth was that the cause of death was an accidental drug overdose.
  2. Hundreds of people were arrested as a result of the “investigation” into the incident. Many of those people being held, it has been widely reported by conservative news outlets, have not had a reasonable bond set in a timely manner, which is a legal requirement enumerated in The Constitution.
  3. A common defense of those accused has been that the entrances many of them used were not blocked, instead they were being manned by personnel who were waving them in. Could this be why 4 Capitol Police officers died of “suicide” a short time later- perhaps conscience pangs that needed to be silenced?
  4. I am not aware of any of the arrestees having prior criminal records. I am not saying they have should not have been arrested based on that information, I do believe it is worth noting though.
  5. Four Capitol Police Officers involved in the incident are said to have “committed suicide” sometime after the incident. Unfortunately, suicide is not uncommon for police officers. We see a lot of bad things and we see much of it close up; however, I worked for a fairly large department (Averaging 80-90 sworn officers) in the suburbs of Chicago for 29 years. We had grisly crime scenes, murders, dead babies, train/pedestrian fatalities, shotgun suicides and many more disturbing incidents we were assigned to investigate. In my 29 years there one fellow officer took his own life. The Addiction Center reported that 17 out of 100,000 officers took their lives in 2017- the last complete year studied in the article I sourced (Jena Hillard, 09/14/2019-Addiction Center). I am not aware of any event gruesome enough to cause multiple officers to take their own lives within 8 months of an event. NOTE: None of the reports detailed anything that might lead to four suicides.    
  6. Many of the politicians and MSM who spent the prior summer trying to convince the American people that the George Floyd riots which lasted from May 25th to October 31st and resulted in 25 deaths (Wikipedia) and $1 Billion in reported damages to parks, police stations, private businesses and more (Axios 09/16/2020- Economy & Business for the dollar amount) across the country were merely protests are now saying this demonstration that lasted one afternoon, cost one life and an estimated damage of $1.5 million (Washington Post-Democracy dies in darkness) is an insurrection. This is an example of why we should seek to know both sides of every issue.
  7. I do not consider the January 6th incident an insurrection. I can’t wait for the truth to come out.
In my opinion, if the trials resulting from this “insurrection” are televised, not only will all of the arrestees be exonerated, or convicted only of minor offenses such as trespassing or vandalism, but many American eyes will be opened to the vindictive, agenda driven, investigation and prosecution that has taken place. MY NOTE: I am speaking of a legitimate trial, not the witch hunt Nancy Pelosi is running in which she is only choosing people she agrees with for her panel. 

The Hunter Biden laptop(s):

From the beginning of the Hunter Biden scandal, and actually before, I have called for the media to have all views aired. If something is proven to be blatantly untrue it can be excluded. If it is contrary to the author’s views, but not proven to be false, it should be printed. It can be printed with all of the contradicting evidence included in the story, but it should be printed. If there are conflicting views that can’t be proven or discounted the entity has to make a choice of not putting the story out or putting it out with both views included. In the case of the Hunter Biden Laptop all of the information was available but the MSM and many government agencies didn’t like that truth. So the MSM didn’t print it and the government didn’t pursue it. 

In an article written by David Harsanyl that appeared in Opinion 12/10/2020 (HOW THE MEDIA COVERED UP THE HUNTER BIDEN STORY – UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION) he notes that, “Sources told Fox News, and others, that the DOJ is super sensitive about moving investigations from ‘covert to overt’ during an election if they potentially affect the outcome.” Harsanyl added, “Their political sensitivities are irrelevant we need to know more; but tamping down an investigation to hide it from the public before an election is as bad as accelerating an investigation to smear someone.” In my opinion, that information held in the laptop potentially implicates Joe Biden (The big guy) in criminal activity and the DOJ’s decision to keep the investigation “Covert” kept that information from the voters. I, personally, do not want to be governed by people of such loose morals regardless of their political affiliation!

In an article written by Ivan Cross ( in March 2022 the author reluctantly admits to some of the, finally accepted, truths of the original New York Post article. Cross writes of an IRS investigation that is targeting Hunter. Noting some of the evidence was drawn from the Biden laptop he writes, “from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop deserted by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop.”

In an article written by Ben Whedon (05/20/2022) in JUST THE NEWS he writes, “An NBC News analysis of Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive published Thursday (05/19/2022) confirmed many of his business dealing with legally embattled Chinese and Ukrainian entities, marking the latest in a long list of legacy media outlets to concede that the laptop is legitimate.” Another confirmation came in an article written by Andrew Kerr and Jerry Dunleavy that appeared May 24th, 2022 (a year and a half after the story broke) in The Washington Examiner. The lead in that story was HUNTER BIDEN’S LAPTOP IS 100% AUTHENTIC, FORENSIC EXAMINATION CONCLUDES. The story then documents the findings of Konstantinos “Gus” Dimitrelos a former Secret Service agent who has testified as a cyber forensics expert in over 100 classified, criminal, and civil matters in state, federal and international matters.

My problem with the Mainstream Media (MSM) for a very long time has been that they print only what they want their readers to believe and do not trust those readers to make informed decisions after being given the whole story. Does that sound like the definition of propaganda to you?

My undergraduate degree is in journalism. At the time I was going to school the professors teaching me stressed that to report the truth, weather it pleased you or not, was the ultimate goal. I fear that sometime after my graduation the goal changed directions. It is my belief the new direction is indoctrination. 

If truth was the goal of the MSM why would it take organization like CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC, NBC and many more to wait over a year to grudgingly cover the truth? Their reluctance to reveal information that could have hurt Joe Biden’s campaign only makes sense, from a news perspective, if the intention was to put their chosen candidate in office, not to present the truth.

I’ll get to other topics that I feel are not being covered truthfully in later Blogs, such as: “A WOMEN’S ‘RIGHT TO CHOSE'” “DEFUND THE POLICE” “THE CLIMATE CRISIS” AND “WHITE PRIVILEDGE” 

Thank you for reading this. If you liked it please let me know why. If you didn’t like it pleas let me know why. Please tell your friends and follow me at “”



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