I don’t know how you stand on this groundbreaking decision by the Supreme Court.

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United States Supreme Court Building

It was a different world when Roe V Wade was first decided. I was a college freshman. The news reports, and most of my friends and relatives, expressed shock. It seemed to me that a large majority of Americans believed abortion was killing a baby in the womb. At that time, I had not heard of the word “fetus.” Over the next 49 years “fetus” became the successful replacement for the word child, just as “pro-choice” was used instead of abortion. These phrases made it possible to get millions of people to accept abortion as ethical, or even worse, a woman’s right!

While I never supported abortion, in any way, I was sexually active and in those years I had more than one “intimate relationship” that never got to the point of meeting the girl’s parents. I would sometimes think of those encounters and seriously wonder how I would react if one of those girls had come to me at some point with a child, or tales of an abortion, that resulted from a pregnancy I had created. I prayed that it would be a child and I could do the right thing. I had fears that I might hear a child I had created had been aborted.

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My thoughts on abortion always include the FACT that there is no requirement a father be identified or notified. It is common that the father of the aborted child is not told that his child had been killed- or should I say removed so I don’t offend anyone?

In addition to the father not being notified, many states allow juveniles to undergo abortions without notifying their parents. I can’t wrap my head around children that are too young to buy cigarettes or alcohol being allowed to make a decision that will affect the rest of their lives. These children, by statute in many states, are too young to legally have sex, but instead of investigating that, the abortion is performed.

As a police officer I had been called to many “suicidal female” assignments where I learned, from the subject, that she has been suicidal since having an abortion. One 35-year-old woman told me she did not remember having a sober day since she was convinced, by her family, that an abortion would be the “easy solution” to her pregnancy at age fifteen. She told me it wasn’t. I stopped her from killing herself, thanks to a timely call. I hope she’s alive today, but I have no idea.

If abortion is so wonderful, as the mainstream media and some politicians tell us? If it is a women’s right that is being infringed upon by the Supreme Court? Why is the truth buried? Why do they refuse to tell us about the bad results of abortion? About the women I have met and read about who are haunted by what might have been? About the women who can’t live with the guilt of taking a life that was growing within them?

Other observations I have made about abortion are the hypocritical laws on the books. Are you aware that if a man kills his lover on her way into an abortion clinic, and the child/fetus dies also, he will be charged with two counts of murder? If he waits until she has her abortion, he will only be charged with one count. The hypocrisy comes from the fact that the child/fetus is still killed, but neither the doctor nor the woman will be charged with the child’s death in the case of an abortion.

I have thoroughly read the constitution more than once, the law of our land that all Supreme Court decisions are to be based on, and I have not found anything that even hints it is acceptable to abort a child. Even though there is a strong argument to be made that the SCOTUS, based on cold hard facts, made the right decision, there are riots across the nation that are being encouraged by Democratic elected officials. When many press conferences are held in which numerous elected Democratic officials declare that a branch of the United States government made a mistake, it’s hard to fathom that the Dems are so upset about Donald Trump saying he feels the 2020 election was compromised. Sorry, I tried using common sense, I should have known that doesn’t work anymore.

JB Pritzker, the Democratic Governor of Illinois is calling a special session of the legislature even though the ruling leaves the abortion decision in the hands of the states, so nothing has changed in Illinois. Former President, Obama called the ruling an attack on “the essential freedoms of millions of Americans (ABC News 10). Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins, D-San Diego said, “I share the searing fury felt by the majority of Americans who are angry and scared for what this Supreme Court decision means for the lives of their daughters, granddaughters, and loved ones. For the lives of everyone who will be left without options as a result of this regressive decision. With this ruling, the Supreme Court has turned its back on safety and equality. But in California, those values remain firmly rooted. Here, pregnant individuals and their families will always be entitled to dignity, understanding, and reproductive choice.” (NOTE: I think it shows the California “woke” thinking where she says “pregnant individuals” I’m not aware of any human pregnancies occurring in any sex other than female) (ABC 10 News). Representative Katherine Clark (D Mass) said, “Forced pregnancy is morally abhorrent, and this decision will set women back decades.” Democratic Mass. Senator Elizabeth Warren said, “These extremists will not have the final word.” in her reaction to the decision. There are many more reactions, but I think you get the picture.

While the Mainstream Media and pro-abortion politicians keep mentioning that a woman has the right to what she does with HER body it irritates me that we never hear, even an acknowledgement, that in most cases the child she is aborting has a heartbeat. Just thinking outside the box here but, does that child have a right to what the woman does to their body?

After Roe V Wade abortion was, in my opinion, accepted as a “necessary evil” that could be used as one option to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. That didn’t last for long.

The abortion industry grew larger and larger. Millions and millions of babies have been aborted. But that’s not enough. Recently I have heard politicians calling for abortion up to the time of birth and then we had that one governor (Ralph Northam D VA) who said candidly in an interview that if a baby survived an abortion, it would be kept comfortable and resuscitated, if that was the mother’s wish. If it wasn’t the mother’s wish, I believe that would be called infanticide!

I think the Roe V Wade case might not have been re-examined if the pro-abortion people had not kept expanding “abortion rights.” They extended the time frame to older and older babies/fetuses until they were talking about infanticide as though it was acceptable. Then the abortion lobby wanted taxpayer funded abortions and was successful in some states.

My opinion is that people who could hold their noses and accept abortion just couldn’t accept the UNGODLY expansion of an action many believed was immoral from the beginning.

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