I believe The United States of America is the greatest nation to ever exist!

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I am proud of the many freedoms our founding fathers obtained and preserved for us in the constitution and bill of rights.

I am aware that every person who put their name on the Declaration of Independence knew that if the experiment in freedom that they were initiating failed it would result in loss of their fortunes and, very possibly, their lives.

I understand that at the time these brave men chose the path of freedom for themselves and their fellow countrymen they were choosing to declare war on the most powerful nation in the world (Bartlby.com) the British Empire boasted of a navy that was second to none. The newly formed United States of America was building an army from scratch.

The people who chose to risk everything for the promise of freedom were among the richest, and most powerful in “The New World.” Most of these men had sworn allegiance to their mother country early in their lives. Many wanted to remain loyal to England, but believed it was better to die than to live without liberty.

In the book “WASHINGTON a life” (A New York Times bestseller and Pulitzer Prize winner, written by Ron Chernow). I learned that George Washington served in the British Army before the revolution. He tried to deal with England, as many of the founding fathers had, when taxes were raised, and other hardships were placed on the colonists.

These men had great character, strong morals, and a compulsion to do what was right, even to the point of death! It’s a shame that does not describe more than 5% of those who “serve us” today (My estimate).

I believe that for most of our existence God smiled down on this country. As well He should have. We exported democracy, we were usually the first country to send food money and supplies to countries in need, we honored our commitments. We were, as President Reagan called us, “The shining city on a hill.”

Even when President Reagan gave that speech, I believe, our shine was being tarnished. Here are some reasons I think God has little reason to approve of what America has become.

Our Freedom of Speech that the founding fathers had fought for and called an “Inalienable Right” that is bestowed on us by Our Creator (God) is fast fading in our “enlightened” culture. This article is becoming longer than I had hoped it would, and I have a bar-b-que to get to so let me just touch lightly on each point. President Biden actually initiated a “Disinformation Governance Bureau ” which was to be headed by Nina Jankowicz who had proclaimed prior to her selection that the Hunter Biden Laptop story was a “Russian influence op.” It was later proven that the laptop story was legitimate, and she had been touting the company line by spreading their lies, no apology was offered. My two objections are, a “Disinformation Governance Bureau” reeks of Communist Russia or Nazi Germany, the second I would like to try to bring back the “Good Ole Days” when the voters were allowed to see both sides of a story, investigate on their own, and make an educated determination of what they believed was the truth. This is difficult to do when the news is slanted in one direction.

Another fear of mine is that the Dems don’t stop attacking our rights until they have successfully removed them- I give their attacks on the second amendment as a good example (See the next point). There are many, many more examples of how our freedom of speech is being attacked. Read previous blogs for my examples- “Are we still given all the facts in the news?” would be a good one to check out.

The RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS is my second gripe. The Democrats continue to peddle the red herring that the second amendment is about sport hunting. How many times have you heard some variation of the mantra, “You don’t need an AR15 to kill a deer?” President Biden said (July 4th 2021), you “don’t need an AR15 unless the deer are wearing Kevlar vests.”

Think back to the days of the revolution. There was not an abundance of “sport hunters” in the colonies/the new United States. The preponderance of hunters were looking for dinner, not a trophy. This false narrative started and perpetuated by the Democrats leads the voters completely away from the true points of contention. We had just fought a war for independence. One of the biggest difficulties the colonial army had to fight through was a shortage of firearms, ammunition and other supplies (Washington A Life- Cited earlier). The soldiers, mostly, provided their own guns. Our founding fathers did not want any laws restricting gun ownership as the British Government had done to the colonies in 1774 and 1775, one of the contributing factors to the American Revolution (The American Revolution against British Gun Control- David B Kopel/davekopel.org). I believe the mainstream media (MSM) has joined with the Democrats (For whatever reason) in this “war against guns.” Every time a lot of people are killed at one time with a gun (Mass Shooting) it is a nationwide story, as long as the shooter is White. Why is that? I’m not saying it’s not serious, I am saying that there is an agenda, in my opinion. Many more people are killed on a regular basis in major cities, some die by guns, others are stabbed, strangled, run over and killed by other means, but our press directs their attention towards the stories about a mass shooter and play up possible racial motives that seldom pan out. We don’t see the same heavy coverage of the epidemic of violence in the inner- mostly Democratic run- cities.

Truth be told, the second amendment is to protect us from the government and that’s something few people are aware of. No, you don’t need an AR15 to kill a deer, in fact, most hunters will tell you an AR15 is not the right gun to use if you’re hunting deer. But I would sure like to have one if, one day, the government decides to take all of my rights away, or another country invades. I guess that sounds preposterous! Of course, there are headlines and pictures in the news recently of citizens in Ukraine fighting the mighty Russian with their personal guns!

A third point is the RIGHT TO LIFE. There were numerous protests around the country by those who disagree with The Supreme Court decision reversing Roe V Wade. Many of those protesting don’t seem to understand that this decision does not end abortion, it merely allows the individual states to determine what path they choose to take. It did not change any state laws. Protestors were gathering at certain justices’ homes (Despite laws prohibiting that) after the verdict was leaked (Which is also illegal). I had written earlier that I don’t believe God is smiling down at the United States as he once did. My main reason for righting that is that we have allowed over 60 million legal abortions since the original Roe V Wade decision in 1973.

Also, something I associate with right to life, the defund the police movement is very strong areas in many large cities, while their murder rates skyrocket. These cities are not only defunding the police, they also regularly refuse to support them in any way by strong prosecution, support of the arrests made, standing behind officers when offenders attacking police or actively resisting are injured.

Thanks for reading this. I hope you found it enjoyable.

As I usually do, I ask you to comment if you liked this post, and comment if you have a problem with it. I’ll never get better if I don’t know.


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