This is a policy I was taught very early in my life and makes more sense now than it ever did.

Early in my life this admonition was related to my eagerness to take pieces off of my bikes and wagons in an attempt to somehow “improve” them. I got that itch after I saw my older brothers take two junked bikes and make a bicycle built for two out of them. There were a few differences between our attempts. My brothers were more mechanically adept than me, they were older and (Don’t tell them I said this) they were smarter.

As I aged, I was privileged to see more “real life” examples of this truism.

When I was nearing the golden age of boy- to man- hood (16 years old) when the state deems you are now magically able to operate a motor vehicle, my brother Paul had already crossed that threshold! Paul worked at a mechanical repair shop and took auto shop at school. He had the great thought that he could improve his 6-cylinder Chevy Nova, which ran fine. Paul, and a few accomplices removed the efficient 6-cylinder engine and replaced it with a 327 cubic inch V-eight engine. He successfully improved the speed of his once high mileage ride. After Paul won a few drag races and became well known to the local police he came to the realization that he could not change his spark plugs without renting an engine hoist. This increased, considerably, the cost of tuning up his “race car.” Paul sold his Nova before it needed its’ second tune up.

I have seen other examples, such as, beautiful movie stars who underwent plastic surgery in an attempt to fix something that few people thought was broken, very minor flaws in their beauty. Occasionally the before and after photos of these beauties could be found in magazines under the heading, “Oops.”

I chose to write about this subject because I am concerned about some things that are currently being “fixed.” The CDC, and many politicians, are pushing to allow, and possibly demand, younger people to be vaccinated. Why? They are not broken!

According to an article by John Elfein (Statista (Feb 3, 2023)) “Between the beginning of January 2020 and February 1, 2023 of the 1,101,953 deaths caused by COVID 19 in the United States, around 295,010 had occurred among those aged 85 years and older.”

A chart included in the article shows those zero to seventeen YOA suffered 1,400 deaths. Eighteen- to twenty-nine-year-olds accounted for 6,808 deaths. The age group of thirty to thirty-nine years old accounted for 19,371 deaths; and forty- to forty-nine-year-olds accounted for 45,333 deaths. The total deaths in the age group 0-49 was 72,912 over that period of three years and one month. The bulk of deaths, 742,252, were suffered by people over the age of 49 (Over 10 times as many).

While the U.S. is talking about opening the vaccine up to those ages 0-6 (The least vulnerable age group) many countries are discouraging anyone under 30 YOA from taking the vaccine. CNBC reported in October of 2021 that Nordic countries were restricting the use of Moderna’s Covid vaccine because it was linked to increased cases of myocarditis (a condition where the heart muscle becomes inflamed). Children are the least vulnerable group and are the most likely to have an adverse reaction to the vaccine. If it aint broke, don’t fix it!

Rules are being changed to accommodate those who identify as gay, bi or trans. A gallup poll referred to in an article by Jeffrey M. Jones (February 17, 2022 LGBT IDENTIFICATION IN U.S. TICKS UP TO 7.1%) cited that the number of people identifying as gay, bi or trans is up from 5.6% in 2020 to 7.1% in 2022 when the article was published. To accommodate this small percentage of our population rules are being changed that could easily put a larger percentage of our population in danger. In many states legislation has been passed that allows people to use washrooms according to their chosen, rather than biological, sex.

I believe people embracing and enacting these new laws are picturing subjects who truly are experiencing gender dysphoria. As a retired police officer, I am picturing people (mostly men) who hide in restrooms assigned to the opposite gender for sexual gratification. It is not uncommon for these offenders to commit violent crimes against their victims.

The new laws are allowing these offenders to legally be in a position to commit sexual crimes, by simply saying, “I am a woman” even though their genitalia does not match their claim.

In this same spirit of enabling those who are not comfortable with their “assigned” sex. A biological male, who identifies as a female, has been allowed to compete on the female swim team for the University of Pennsylvania. This decision ignores the 16 biological female teammates who have opposed that decision. In addition to those teammates female swimmers from competing schools have voiced their opposition. MY NOTE: As a female Lia Thomas has broken numerous records while her record as a male was average (Enquirer-com.cdn.ampproject.org). According to https://m.facebook.com “Lia Thomas, a biological man, went from ranking 462nd in men’s collegiate swimming to winning the women’s national championship after swapping his designated sex to compete in female sports as a transgender athlete.”

My opinion is that the hard fight to recognize female sports as a separate, but equal, entity will fail if males, identifying as females, are allowed to compete. It is a biological fact that males are stronger than females. Many females have voiced their opinions in print and in court that the very existence of their sport is threatened by the decision to allow men to compete as women. I agree 100%- If it aint broke, don’t fix it!

high diving, swim, water-78391.jpg
girl, gala, swim-4785920.jpg

Thanks for reading this. Please leave a comment on what you liked, didn’t like. How you agreed, or disagreed and anything else you thought of that I missed.

Thank you


2 thoughts on “IF IT AINT BROKE DON’T FIX IT!”

  1. I agree that biological men shouldn’t compete against women or go into women’s locker rooms. You brought up some good points to support that opinion.

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