Here are some things I have discovered in my search for the perfect most qualified candidate. MY NOTE: I have not found a perfect candidate.

Some of the candidates have not held a job outside of public office.

This does not have to be a bad thing but, in my opinion, it calls for closer scrutiny. I feel that some of the politicians come into office without the world experience that, I believe, is required.

Have you ever heard a politician recommend payments that have made you cringe. I have.

I like politicians who have been successful in the private sector because they are more likely to have balanced checkbooks, dealt with irate customers, learned to listen to, and deal with, complaints. The more experience in the workforce the better chance they have faced an emergency that called for a quick, well thought out decision.

I want to know that they have been required to budget with limited funds. I would like to see that they have learned to pinch pennies.

Years ago I wrote a heartfelt letter to President Bush Senior. I had just learned that the county I lived in, and most political budgets worked, in my opinion, in a terrible way.

I was told by a member of the county board that, in the political arena, if you don’t spend all of the money that was budgeted to your division, they give you less in your next budget. In my letter I explained to the president that if he was sincere about ending government waste, he should eliminate that practice and replace it with a more fiscally responsible system. A budget system that would reward those who responsibly came in under budget with bonuses or other incentives to continue to keep a trim budget.

I’m sure the president had a good laugh- if he even saw the letter, but I see that nothing changed.

On that thought, my next topic is related.

Does the candidate in question realize that nothing is free?

I’ve heard politicians promoting “FREE COLLEGE TUITION!” Well, that’s wonderful! Or is it? How can something that cost several thousands of dollars yesterday be made free today? Are the tenured professors who were earning six figure salaries going to willingly accept less, or nothing at all? Maybe one would, I don’t believe you could find enough to make even one school free, but anything is possible.

I remember my college days. The professors were not the only people on campus who were being paid. There were administrators, secretaries, groundskeepers, maintenance workers, custodians, cafeteria workers and security personnel. I’m sure there are many more college workers that I have overlooked. The list I’ve provided very likely accounts for millions of dollars in salary per year, and I haven’t even touched on infrastructure, what about heat, air conditioning, water, basic items such as brooms, mops, parking lot repairs, roof repairs well, I think you get the picture. As Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with socialism is that, eventually, you run out of other people’s money.

I’m sure the government could cover the cost but, I believe you realize, when the government gets generous, we, the people pay either in taxes or through a larger national debt.

A larger national debt is dangerous and reckless. As citizens we were, originally, wary of any debt and now the millions of dollars we protested have grown past billions to trillions and that debt is largely ignored. How often do you hear about the dangers involved in a large national debt?

If you ruled another country, or manufactured weapons or other items that The United States needs to remain free would you be anxious to deal with us? How trustworthy is an entity that owes trillions? The correct answer, in my opinion, is NOT VERY!

Is the candidate qualified to represent you effectively?

Unfortunately, several examples of unqualified candidates come to my mind. There’s a chance that my list does not match yours, but the point remains that it is not only our duty as citizens of a free republic to vote for qualified candidates, it is also in our best interest. If we elect a representative, at any level, who is corrupt or incompetent it could cost us through loss of tax dollars, inept government or, in a worst-case scenario, loss of freedom.

Three of my many examples of those not qualified to govern are: Representative Hank Johnson of Georgia, Pennsylvania State Representative Tony DeLuca and Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman.

A CBS News article aired April 1st, 2010 (No, it was not an April Fool’s joke!) documented that, speaking of The Island of Guam, Representative Hank Johnson (D GA) seriously stated, “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.” He said this in House hearings on sending additional troops there. He was elected in 2007 and is still serving. In a defense of that remark, he later said that his statement was meant to be an analogy- listen to it while you still can and decide for yourself. I believe the good representative feared the island would tip.

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A Tucker Carlson segment aired March 3, 2023 reported that, “Last fall, a Democrat called (Named) Tony DeLuca got re-elected to the Pennsylvania statehouse while dead. Not just dead inside like most politicians, but actually dead, not breathing. And not only did DeLuca win after having been dead for a full month, but he won in a landslide. Tony DeLuca got more than 85% of the vote.”

My statement on that is that it is very upsetting that the Democrats left a dead man on the ballot, and it is more upsetting that the Pennsylvania voters were so uninformed that they overwhelmingly elected a corpse.

The Pennsylvania Democratic Party statement was “While we’re incredibly saddened by the loss of Representative Tony DeLuca We are proud to see the voters continue to show their confidence in him and his commitment to the Democratic values by re-electing him posthumously.” I believe it is a black mark on our electoral system, and on the voters in Pennsylvania, that they would elect ANY REPRESENTATIVE POSTHUMOUSLY! We are tasked with electing the best candidate. Dead men not only tell no tales, but they also have 0 capability of serving effectively!

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In his debate, prior to being elected, John Fetterman was given 60 seconds to explain what qualified him to be a U.S. Senator. Fetterman’s response was:

“Hi. Good night, everybody…If you work full time, you should be able to live in dignity is well, true. And I believe they haven’t had any business being, being, we can’t have businesses being subsidized by not paying individuals that just simply can’t pay to pay their own way.

If you know what he meant, please explain it to me.

In response to a question about his stance on fracking he responded with the following statement:

“Oh, I do support fracking, and… I don’t, I don’t, I support fracking and I stand and I do support fracking.”

It is obvious that Fetterman was suffering impairment as a result of his stroke. I am all in favor of supporting people who are victims of mental and physical disorders, once they have recovered. I readily admit that I would not knowingly fly on a plane piloted by a person who was recovering from a major disorder. I would, however, fly on a plane piloted by a person who had recovered from the ailment. I would not vote for a person who can not articulate or process statements as a result of an ailment. I would vote for them once they had recovered if their political views were in line with mine. I submit that the voters of Pennsylvania did the country a disservice by electing a man who is not fit to serve.

Does the candidate consistently follow one path, or do their “morals” adjust to fit the current trend?

I am confused by the candidates who are currently pushing an agenda to allow, encourage, or even force the vaccination of young children. These candidates are often heard espousing the common mantra, “If only one child can be saved.” I have noticed that many of those who support mandated vaccines are also pro-abortion. One obvious candidate with those contradictory views is our current president, Joseph Biden. These candidates could save about a million children a year if they stopped pushing abortions, just saying.

These are my views, I don’t expect anyone to agree with everything I’ve written. I do believe we can agree that we owe it to our country and our neighbors to do our due diligence and know who we are voting for.

Thank you for indulging me. If you agree with me, please comment. If you disagree with me, please comment. If you’re bored and just feel like venting, please comment.

In closing I would just like to say, please comment!

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