While I sit and try to relax on this Sunday afternoon a lot of things are running through my mind so I thought, “Why should I suffer alone with these thoughts? I should share them!” So, I hope you enjoy my Sunday rant.

I believe these signs are a perfect example of our modern-day ignorance.

Put on your big kid pants and analyze the thought process behind posting such a sign. Is it possible that a crazed person intending to kill and injure numerous victims is going to see this sign and turn around? No fiction writer would pen such a premise because IT IS UNBELIEVABLE!

Who does not bring a gun into a building that posts such a sign? The retired cop, who could stop a shooter? A dutiful citizen with a concealed carry license, who could stop a shooter? A teacher, bank employee, store employee, customer… who could stop a potential shooter? Yes. These are the people who dutifully obey the sign and become victims of the crazed shooter who, possibly, entered this location because that sign means there will be nobody inside to offer resistance.

Pictures like this remind me of the freedom I knew as a child. Hop in the car and go, I admit the seatbelt laws have saved lives; but I have always felt they were an overstep of authority.

The first laws were passed when I was a patrol officer. I remember a lot of people protested the idea of freedom, a small freedom, being taken away. I remember that when the law was first enacted we were not allowed to use a seatbelt violation as a primary cause for a stop. We could only write a seatbelt ticket if there was another offense such as speeding. NOTE: I only wrote one seatbelt ticket, it was on an accident and the other driver pointed out the seatbelt violation. The offender then admitted that he was not belted in front of the other driver.

All but 3 of the states have laws forcing motorcycle riders to wear helmets. If anyone can explain to me how wearing a helmet protects anyone but the cyclist please comment. I ride a motorcycle. I do not wear a helmet, the ride is cooler (Temperature wise) and I can hear approaching traffic much better without one. Many argue that helmets only make an open casket possible. Others, myself included, cite the government overstep involved in forcing citizens to buy and wear helmets

I still feel this is a question of giving up freedom, as all freedoms that are relinquished, that will not return. It may sound trivial to you, but sometime after Illinois enacted the seatbelt law Mayor Bloomberg of New York announced a portion cap rule, a proposed amendment to article 81 of the New York City Health Code, that would require “food service establishments” to cap at 16 ounces the size of cups and containers used to offer, provide, and sell sugary beverages.

I agree with Benjamin Franklin who said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Just a little early in the week rant to get things started. I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment to let me know what, if anything, you liked and what, if anything, you didn’t.

I hope you have a nice week.



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