PAR 4!

I mentioned in an earlier blog post that, since retirement, I was trying to get to a “respectable” range for my golf and bowling games. I quit a bowling league and had never really participated in “adult golf” at the time I married. My wife wanted me to pay attention to our family, that started to grow right out of the box. Who could argue with that. As the family did grow there was no time, or money, for adult sports.

So I put it off, for many years.

I wrote a recent blog that documented my breakthrough on the bowling front with my highest score ever. It came in a post season tournament game in late Spring when I broke the 200 barrier for the first time with a 224. I can’t wait for the bowling league to start up again- and at my age I should be praying time will slow down, the end is near- at least I’ve heard it is.

The average age for males is 73. That’s only about 5 years away for me!

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the end, guy, cinema strip-812225.jpg
end, hourglass, the end-4109186.jpg

Manwhile, back on the links. Over the last year plus, I have been able to get a regular Monday morning foursome together with my brother and two friends. My brother, Paul, and one of the friends, Brian, are better and, while Moe is in the same boat as me, I would not ever bet on beating him, although I have on rare occasions.

I really enjoy our time on the links, don’t get me wrong, but I would enjoy them a lot more with better scores and an occasional win!

So, to summarize my situation, I golf with three other guys, none of us are being sought after to join other foursomes and I am undoubtably rank fourth- last- in our group.

I’m not the type of guy, in any situation, to say, “Oh well, I stink” and give up. I’ll sadly admit it, but I won’t accept it.

Sooooo, I have been hitting a golf-ball contraption I inherited when my father died.

Golf ball contraption.

I have been going to a local golf course and hitting balls around in the practice areas there- driving buckets of practice balls, chipping, hitting out of the sand, putting and when I finish; I’ve ben doing it all again.

I’ve shown some improvement.

Last week, only my second week out this year, I out drove the other three guys on more than one hole. Remember, none of us are pro’s.

I was holding the biggest news for the grand finale’.

Last week, in addition to driving better than usual, I won’t say well, I also scored my first par. What a thrill that was for me! It was on the ninth hole, so I have been chomping at the bit to get back out there.

I know, I know, one par does not a golfer make. In fact, one par in over a year is an embarrassment for anyone. With that said, it is an improvement and that’s what I’m looking for. As a matter of fact, It is impossible to hit par for a game until you achieve your first par! Remember, any journey starts with the first step. Well, there ya’ go!

My plan is, practice, practice, practice and pray.

When the government was removing prayer from the public schools I read an editorial in which the writer said, “As long as there are exams in public schools, there will be prayer.” Well you can quote me on this, “As long as I’m on the golf course there will be prayer there too!”

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

Please comment below, what you liked, what you didn’t like, struggles you’ve had with sports and how you are dealing with them… If there is no comment section, please tap on the title and the comment section should appear after this sentence.

Thank you for your patience. I am working on the problem.


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