This is just a small sampling of things I have seen posted on Facebook that I would like to share. Let me know how you reacted to them in the comments.

There were many posts that questioned things happening today.

The first, about history, is so true. History is not moldable. It is not opinion. True history is based on provable facts.

I agree, there are things we did in the past that are embarrassing. The reporting of these events should not be changed- As Oceania subjected its’ residents to in George Orwell’s novel “1984.” They need to be honestly presented so mistakes of the past are not repeated. By honestly reported I mean using facts.

A main criticism of our country involves slaves. This is a black mark that should be covere thoroughly.

Slaves were held, to some extent, in every country. The United States was one of the first countries to take meaningful steps to abolish this abhorrent practice.

It is my opinion that it was shameful for the U. S. to have taken part in this atrocity. It is honorable that we, before most countries, abolished the practice.

I am upset that there is currently a push for a Critical Race Theory curriculum to be brought into the schools. Everything I have heard of this program wreaks of agenda driven anti-white propaganda to be introduced to our children without our consent.

There are many other examples in our country’s history that are embarrassing. I have no problem with studying those errors in detail. I encourage our teachers and school boards to attack the mistakes, the perpetrators and all who were involved our country’s darker moments.

That being said, I would love to see honesty brought back.

I believe the widely reported myth of “institutional racism” in policing is completely false and causes enormous problems for officers who are just trying to serve and protect.

I served as a police officer for 35 years in two large departments. In my career I dealt with many officers from numerous departments including the Illinois State Police and the Chicago Police. In those 35 years I did not encounter one officer who made a decision to arrest or pursue an offender/suspect that was racially motivated.

As a “side job” I worked security for professional teams at large Chicago stadiums with, mostly, Chicago and ISP officers and troopers. We would talk throughout the event and I did not get a whiff of racism.

I have picked up and dropped off inmates at Cook County Jail, Statesville and numerous county jails and police stations throughout Northern Illinois without hearing any unguarded racist comment or observing any unnecessary use of force with or without race as a motive. I believe if “institutional racism” truly existed I would have many examples of it. I am proud to announce that I have none.

I worked in the second largest county jail in the state of Illinois. While I was there, I accepted inmates from numerous departments without any hint of racism exhibited by any of the transporting officers I encountered.

You may say, “Of course you say that you’re a cop.” Fair enough, but I should tell you that I gained no favor from some of the supervisors I worked for at my second department when I testified honestly against one of my sergeants, who was later promoted to lieutenant.

The second post refers to the blatant vote-buying attempt by this administration through eliminating all responsibility for government sponsored student loans.

I put myself through college with the help of student loans. I paid all of those loans off while working at the gas station/repair garage that I was eventually able to buy.

I chose to go to college. I chose to pay for a large portion of my tuition and room and board, when applicable, with student loans. Later in my life, I was not able to put my children through college and agreed to sign for some of my kid’s student loans. I have two of them on my credit report right now, I am paying on one of them while the second child is paying on the other, but has been paying the minimum for several years.

In my opinion, these borrowers are being portrayed as poor unfortunates who were tricked into these costly loans. If that’s the case, the government should change this practice, the government should not allow thousands of people to ignore their responsibilities after so many recipients did the right thing before them.

In my case, both in college and as a parent, I was told what the loan would cost, when it would come due, and what my responsibilities would be. I accepted the contracts and I am paying.

I would benefit, greatly, if the government is allowed to drop my responsibility. All of the parents and students who have taken these loans will benefit. All tax paying citizens will be forced to pay for my commitment and the commitments of all the other government approved deadbeats.

If you didn’t read one of my earlier posts, you may not be aware that our national debt is now over 32 trillion dollars (According to>infographic). Because of that, it is arguable that our federal government should freeze all pay raises, end all foreign aid and only pay for defense, necessary infrastructure and payroll. Instead of that we have an administration fighting the courts to be allowed to eliminate the debt of college students, former college students and those who promised to pay their debts. This would needlessly put the country further into debt.

Aren’t the college graduates supposed to be the elite of the work force? Let them pay their debts!

This one reminds me of a prose piece that I have seen several different times. Often the “victims” are changed, but the idea is the same. This piece eloquently speaks of the actual trauma we are experiencing in the U. S. today, in my humble opinion. This post speaks of the danger of accepting things that we know are morally unacceptable, allowing that immoral behavior to become so acceptable it is, eventually, enforced.

This is an example of the similar prose piece I found.


I don’t know what the person was thinking when the comment on evil was posted but, I equate it to the transexual issue. When homosexuality, gay pride started growing I did not speak out against it. I felt then, and still do, that people should be allowed to act as they feel is appropriate as long as it does not interfere with my ability to live my life. I had read the bible and was/still am a practicing Christian so I knew it was not a morally acceptable practice. Then, as a police officer, I was called to assist gay couples with various problems and treated them the same as I treated everyone I was called to assist. My reasoning was that I am not the morals police, I am the criminal code police, and there was nothing forbidding what they were doing in the criminal code. Then, legislation started popping up supporting their stance (Even though it was already allowed) we experienced “Gay Pride” parades and the cause expanded to LGBTQIA (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (one’s sexual or gender identity- I looked it up).

This, “Acceptance” has now grown to “Drag Queen Story Hour” targeting children.

My belief is that many in this movement have true sexual questions and are searching for “who they are.” I believe others are being manipulated or are swept up in the movement.- That’s my opinion.

I have been asked by a questioning girl who was very close to me, in her 20’s, for my opinion on the gay lifestyle. I answered her honestly and she responded by eliminating me from her life, at least for awhile.

I believe, we have now entered the phase of “Then we prosecute those who still call it evil.”

Take a look at the headlines; a cakemaker who had a regular, outwardly gay, customer was sued, more than once, when he refused to make a “Gay wedding cake” for that customer and then others. There were many other cakemakers available, but, once that Christian baker’s views were known, he was targeted and lost thousands of dollars when he was forced to go to the supreme court more than once.

On the lighter side.

As the caption says, this is a carload of teenagers who ditched school to see The Beatles. They didn’t get into the concert, but as they were trying, they passed Ringo and he took a picture of them. Later they saw the picture in a book published by Ringo. Based on that, they recently reproduced the photo.

I’m finishing with what, I believe, is an intentional joke. Anyone want to comment on why I write that?

Thanks for reading to the end.

Please comment on what you liked or didn’t like. If the comments section is not visible click on the title and it should come up. Sorry for any inconvenience.





  1. All students MUST pay off their loans. There used to be the Illinois State Scholarship for needy students. The ones of us who got money were told up front that if we did not pay the loans back it would affect future students from getting money. After graduation we were given a year (to get a job and get ourselves set up) before starting to pay back the loan. I paid back every penny but since the scholarship no longer exists most students did not pay back the money. It was even on the news that some students were refusing to pay back the loans for various stupid reasons.

    I worked all 4 years at various jobs at the college. Luckily Sears hired me back Christmas and summer vacations. It’s like students today run up big bills for college expecting them to be forgiven by the government.

    Where’s the work ethic nowadays?

    1. I also worked, and took out loans, all through college. I was also lucky enough to have a boss who allowed me to work when I came home for breaks. I never considered not paying my loans back, but, now it seems we’ve entered the AGE OF ENTITLEMENTS!— for certain people only.

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