I’ve addressed this before but, I hate it when a person driving in the left/passing/fast lane is going slower than the traffic in the lanes to the right. I hate it more when they speed up as I start to pass them!

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I don’t like the fact that electric cars are being forced on us. They are not my choice of a reliable mode of transportation and the government is exceeding its’ authority, in my opinion, by mandating gas powered vehicles be banned in some states.

I hate the fact that the government gets away with calling Social Security payments benefits. They, I guess, mean that the money I have been forced to pay into a retirement fund they control since I was 13 is theirs. Calling that money a benefit is ludicrous and misleading!

I paid into it as an employee and as a small business owner. Currently employers and employees are required to pay 6.2% of salaries to social security. Those who declare as “self-employed” pay 12.4%. The resulting large cache’ of money is used to pay for many “pet projects” of the government, that is now saying social security may go bankrupt soon. Who’d a thought?

I looked up, “Which president borrowed money from social security” on my phone. I got many conflicting answers ranging from The Nasdaq response saying that congress has “borrowed” 2.9 trillion dollars from the Social Security Fund but has “promised to repay” it at 2.85% interest which would result in 85.1 billion dollars in interest income for the fund.

In contrast to that story is the one I found on https://georgebush-whitehouse.archives,gov which declares, “The government has borrowed $1,7 trillion from the social security trust fund. The government has borrowed the total value of the trust fund to pay for other government spending.”

The government started taxing social security income in 1984 after a series of amendments in 1983 (Reportedly with bi-partisan approval) www.ssa.gov. So, the money we are forced to pay, with a promise of at least portions of it being returned to us to help us in our retirement is now being taxed.

The money the government is forcing me, and all American wage earners to pay into a government run retirement fund, or disability insurance, will probably run out because the government is using it for other purposes, including funds for illegal aliens. These are the same officials who enter office as regular public servants and, quite often, leave office as multi-millionaires. EDITORIAL NOTE: There can’t be anything fraudulent there! Right? Could it be that our Social Security payments are ending up in their pockets?

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I heard that the mainstream media is calling for Trump to be investigated for murder now.

What I heard is that a family video was recently discovered in which non-political Donald Trump (1990’s) was at a Johnny Cash concert and was heard to sing out, “I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.” My source has told me that the Democratic leadership has announced that, “This is truly the ‘smoking gun’ we have been looking for.”

OK, that didn’t happen, but these days, who knows?

Trump is being indicted, on a regular basis, for saying that he believes the 2020 election was stolen. I believe it was stolen, but I guess I’m not important enough to arrest on the basis of my belief’s, and voicing them in a country that used to be known for its’ stance on freedom of speech!

Do you recall Hillary Clinton appearing on numerous shows 2016-2020 saying she believed the 2016 election was stolen? I do. I have not heard when her trial starts. I’m sure, since it’s the same crime, it will be coming up soon.

The best part of our political process is that anyone is allowed to protest against the government. Lawsuits can be, and are regularly, brought against local, county, state, and federal governments for false arrest, unfair treatment, and basically anything a citizen is not happy about can be brought to court and adjudicated. Except, I guess, for Trump.

I’ve been watching a lot of “late night” movies, please don’t judge me. One thing I’ve noticed is that the movies filmed in the 1940’s have an introduction that includes showing it was presented by MGM, United Artists, Universal or Columbia and then they go directly to the movie. I’ve also noticed that most of the newer films have a few different studios involved. Just a random thought, nothing deep.

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Do you think “Drag Queen Story Hour” is acceptable? I don’t.

I believe any parent is in charge and if they want to expose their child to Drag Queens they have the right to do that. What I am concerned about is the possibility of having them in schools, libraries and other public places where a parent should be able to leave their minor child without worrying about them being exposed to shows or displays that are against their belief’s.

I have made political and charitable donations in the past. I still give to charities, but the political, for me, has stopped cold. I get letters ranging from, “You are one of our best supporters…” to “Are you voting for XXXX (the other party)?” “You are in danger of losing your status” and my favorite is when they give a “deadline” on when I should donate by. “We need your support by the end of the month, or we won’t meet our goal.” The goal that they set!

Thanks for reading to the end. I would like to hear what you think about my thoughts. Please comment and let me know.


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