Almost all stories have multiple parts. There were, possibly, some good stories about Hitler that we never heard. In the same way, most American authors are not lined up to do a hatchet job on Washington or Lincoln. In order to document the truth, we must document the whole truth. Getting fed morsels of truth is just a different form of being lied to!

While I say this, I can’t imagine how any “puff piece” on Hitler could save his legacy, still, is he the only person in history who never did anything good?

Almost everyone (Democrat and Republican) agrees on one thing. That “thing” is that our country is facing a crucial turning point that will, possibly, change the direction our republic takes. With this in mind, it is more important than ever that we citizens have a source to get the unbiased truth. Unfortunately, I know of no source, currently, that answers that need. Do you?

For anyone shaking their head and asking, “How can you say something so outrageous?” I ask the questions, “How much do you know about the Hunter Biden laptop?” “When did you hear about it?” “Did you get that important news before the 2020 election?” “Are you aware that most of the information we now have on that topic was available well before election day?” Not impressed? What about the Jeffery Epstein scandal? Are you aware that the persistent reporter who broke that story shopped it around for months, if not years, before it was finally released? How much do you know about the incident at The Capitol on January 6th, 2021? Are you aware that some people were arrested shortly afterwards and still haven’t had a bond hearing?- That is, of course, a blatant violation of their constitutional rights! If you believe those arrested in connection to January 6th are insurrectionists, do you feel the same way about those who participated in the “George Floyd Riots” that caused more damage, more deaths, more reported rapes, more damage to government property and more injuries than the “insurrection?”

Maybe if we had all gotten the whole story on any of these national news stories, they would have had different endings, maybe not.

aftermath, riot, protest-4506339.jpg


NEW YORK, NY – JULY 08: A protest group called “Hot Mess” hold up signs of Jeffrey Epstein in front of the Federal courthouse on July 8, 2019 in New York City. According to reports, Epstein will be charged with one count of sex trafficking of minors and one count of conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minors. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

In these times in which we are living, I’m afraid, we have to search out the whole story. I think that anyone who is paying attention can see that the mainstream media is aligned with the left and the conservative (Talk show hosts etc.) align with the right. It would be so much easier to just pick up a newspaper and read the whole story! (What a joke that was- I showed my age by writing “pick up a newspaper” didn’t I?). Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, we can’t expect to get the whole story from one source anymore but, as citizens, we are obligated to find the whole truth so we can make an informed decision on election day.

Here’s an idea of what I’m saying:

I recently took a walk in my neighborhood. I passed that one house that was foreclosed on about a year ago. Since the foreclosure it has been unoccupied. The grass is longer than it should be, the exterior- and probably the inside too, needs a paint job, the landscaping has been neglected and the previous owners left a broken-down beater car in the driveway along with a lot of other useless junk in the yard and inside the house, but easily visible from the street since the window dressings have been removed. The house is an eyesore to say the least and, I think, all of my neighbors are anxiously waiting for the bank to sell it.

I kept walking. I saw Doctor Nick in his front yard. He had just left his house with two of his four dogs in tow. He always walks them in shifts because, he has told me, they just don’t get along. Nick is a wonderful man, some say eccentric. I worked with him many years ago and consider him a friend. We had a short, pleasant talk in which we tried to solve some of the problems of the world and catch up on neighborhood news. Nick continued on because, as he said, “The girls (dogs) were anxious to get to their business.”

Next, I ran into my neighbors Jim and Cathy. They live two doors down and were just getting out for their daily walk. Jim and Cathy moved in a short time after my family. My home was about the third built in our neighborhood that has about 100 lots but, due to my busy schedule and other excuses I don’t know most of my neighbors. I know 5 or 10 well enough to talk when I see them. There are probably 10 or 20 more that I know to wave at, and the rest are strangers to me. I still smile and wave whenever I see a car pass because our area has only one point of entry/exit, so I figure they are all just “friends I haven’t met yet!” After waving I sometimes smile to myself thinking they could also be an Uber driver, visitor from out of town or a person who has lived in our neighborhood for twenty years and wonders why this crazy old man waves at strangers all the time.

Jim and Cathy and my wife and I raised kids who were in classes together, so we knew each other pretty well when we were younger. We still talk occasionally, but our kids are mostly grown and out of the house and they’ve gone their separate ways. On that day, we had a nice talk, and they brought me up to date on the local news that Dr. Nick and I hadn’t covered. It was a fairly quick chat then they were off on their walk to the local gas station for a cup of coffee and a snack.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the neighborhood was buzzing with lawnmowers, kids playing, some people were out doing yardwork while others were washing their cars.

If I were to write about this short snippet out of my life and, apparently, I am, I could detail the foreclosed house and make it a dark and gloomy expose’ of America in decline. I could ignore the foreclosed house and document only the portions of the story that are positive and uplifting, or I could report honestly on the good and the bad.

Our divided media has those same choices. It is my opinion that without doing our due diligence we are at their mercy. I lean conservative, but I cannot make an informed decision on any candidate without hearing the whole story.

I want to know if my choice has skeletons in the closet. I would prefer that the whole story comes out early so I can check into alternative options. This is a problem we should not need to discuss in a free society.

We are not a free society if we allow our press to give us only the information that leads of down a path they have chosen for us!

Thank you for reading this. Please let me know what you think of it in the comments.


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