In the early days of our country the polls were open for only one day. People traveled on foot, on horseback, and in open wagons to their designated polling places, regardless of weather conditions. For some, the trip would take more than one day. Now, a large portion of our populace has the ability to get to a polling place in an enclosed “climate controlled” vehicle. Whether they choose an Uber, a ride with a friend, their own vehicle, a taxi, a bus or other public transportation- very few U.S. citizens are in a position that they can not get to their polling place on the designated day. But, for some reason, we are making voting a marathon process.

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Polls open weeks before the election for “early voting!” Mail in ballots are available and, in many cases, sent out even when they haven’t been requested. Some politicians have complained because their electioneers are no longer allowed to deliver free food and drinks with their candidate’s name on the bottle to “potential voters” in line to cast their ballot.  (Sometimes the voters are forced to wait an hour or two without water, unless they bring their own bottle).

People who assert that the longer it takes to count votes, the easier it is to commit election fraud, are marked as “conspiracy theorists” (A label that diminishes their credibility and standing in the community) even though what they say is factual!

Requests to re-instate, or enforce, voter ID laws are called racist by many politicians and media personalities. They claim these steps (Once common) are discriminatory towards minorities. Some of them claim that minority citizens do not have the ability to acquire an ID. These pundits ignore the FACT that identification is required to drive, buy tobacco, buy alcohol, enter some forms of entertainment, fly on commercial airlines and many other common practices for all Americans. The kicker is that where there is a voter ID push, it includes free ID’s to those who don’t have one. I wonder if anybody actually believes that ID’s are discriminatory? 

The last 3 times I voted (In Illinois) I did not see anyone produce an ID prior to receiving their ballot. I don’t believe it is possible to vote anywhere else in the world without showing proof that you are a valid voter.

I hear, from both sides, that the 2024 election will likely be THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN OUR COUNTRY’S HISTORY!” I hear allegations from one side that the 2016 election was stolen, does anyone else remember Hillary and several others calling Trump an “Illegitimate” president? Then in 2020 we hear from the other side that the election was stolen. 

Now that we’re coming up to the “most important election in our country’s history,” and both sides have expressed little confidence in our electoral system I can’t wait to see the big improvements in election security that I am sure both sides are working on (Sarcasm intended).

I must not be tuning in to the news at the right times because, as much as I have heard both sides complain about “stolen elections” and “election fraud” I have not heard either side pushing a plan to secure, or improve, the process. I, for one, will be very disappointed if my election experience in 2014 is no different from previous years. I won’t be surprised, just disappointed.

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I went to my doctor recently and, reluctantly, checked in on their on-line data base. I am a boomer, a child of the 60’s, I hate computers! My doctor has been pushing me to use their “website built for my convenience.” For years I have been saying NO. On the last visit the push was even harder so, I tried to join the march to the future- or, at least, to present day.

I got on the initial site with no problem, a stupendous accomplishment for me! But then I faced more than computer problems. Questions 1-10 were about my sexual orientation. I do not mind answering a few questions of that vein, even though I fervently believe that, unless that’s the problem I need to address, they are out of line to ask personal questions.

I don’t know why they need to know if I am happy with my biological sex to treat my sore throat, but I complied, grudgingly. I answered the first question, (Are you happy with your “assigned” biological sex?). Then the second, which was similar, but more specific (Have you ever, or are you now considering changing your assigned sex?). The third question (Do you ever dress as a member of the opposite sex/ how often?) made me question why I was still on the site.  

I started to wonder if I might be the only happily straight male who patronizes this practice. By the sixth question I started to reminisce about my police application tests which would ask the same question phrased several different ways to uncover deception. When I reached the tenth question, and the topic hadn’t changed, I gave up.

The next day, I entered the office, a half hour early for the appointment per their request. I told the cheerful receptionist that I had not filled out the online registration form. She said, “Oh that’s no problem I can take your information right here.” I told her that I wouldn’t be answering if the questions were the same redundant, intrusive, questions they had on-line. She smiled and told me she gets that same response from a lot of the patients. Not one to let a good question go unasked, I continued, “Why do they ask those questions then?” She replied that for people who have problems related to gender identity these questions are very important. I told her that I had written an article on that subject and learned, in my research, that under 5% of the population polled identifies as having “gender identity” issues (According to Wikipedia, currently, 6 to 7% of the population identify as LGBTQ in the latest polls). I then asked a follow up question, “Why don’t you ask about anger issues, homicidal and suicidal thoughts?” I added, as she was rolling her eyes, those are important to a larger percentage of the population than the gender questions. 

I don’t think the doctor’s office is planning to change their protocol based on my complaint, I am currently in search of a new clinic in the Southwest Chicago Suburbs.

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In my opinion, our government has thrust many, unnecessary, problems upon us; open borders, treating illegal aliens as honored guests with food and lodging taken care of on the taxpayer’s dime, ignoring shoplifting of up to $1,000.00 (causing many small businesses and some large ones to permanently close their doors), ignoring vandalism to public property (burning down police stations and defacing statues during the George Floyd riots with few people charged and less required to pay for damages caused) allowing our national debt to skyrocket to over 35 trillion dollars by ignoring the need for controlled spending and a balanced budget and many other things (You are encouraged to add problems I missed in the comment section). It seems that our government is trying to destroy our country. If that is true, I have a few suggestions. Here are some things that might help seal the deal and end the great experiment which is The United States of America:

Submitted for your approval: 

How about placing random stop signs on all of the superhighways- just to mess with us a little more. 

I also suggest that the government eliminate all police as some politicians have been suggesting. 

What if our “Leaders” in Washington and the state capitols continue to disregard any restraint in their spending? They could design a payoff plan for the debt. I suggest they implement the OPM plan. This plan would be detailed in a 5,000- page bill- after all, nobody reads those. 

In summary OPM (Other People’s Money/A new name for taxes) could be projected to pay off our debt in 25 years- That would be completely impossible but hey! We’ve bought all the other cow manure they’ve sold us- it could work. And while “We The People” are fighting on the internet about which party is really to blame, they have another couple of terms of unrestricted spending. 

At some point our country would implode, but isn’t that in the cards anyway?

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed my view of life in these United States. Please comment on what you like or disagreed with. I look forward to your input.


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