As we enter the new year, many of us will make resolutions to live better in the year ahead. I am a cop who has written hundreds of accident reports, and a person who has been a “frustrated civilian” driving behind cars driven by rude, or unaware, drivers so I am offering my 2 cents worth of information you can use, laugh at, or just disregard completely. I have also added tid-bits of information I have gleamed from surviving near 70 years on God’s green earth.  This includes actions I have been impressed by and want to share. Actions I have been irritated by and would like to end. And actions I was intrigued by and offer for your consideration. Please take my advise as it is offered, something for you to evaluate and, if you choose, to copy or comment on at the end of the blog. If you drive in any lane but the right lane on multi-laned roads, and notice other drivers are passing you on the right… 2025 might be more pleasant if you make a resolution to drive in the right lane.  The right lane is designed to be the “travel lane.” Any lanes to the left of that going in the same direction are designated as “passing lanes.” traffic light, traffic lights, beacon Yellow traffic control lights are a warning that the light is about to turn red. It is not advisable to slam on your brakes when the light turns yellow, there may be a car behind you driven by someone who is determined to get through on the yellow. If you are in the intersection, waiting to turn left, remember the oncoming traffic is legally allowed to enter the intersection on the yellow light. Do not complete your turn until the oncoming car either stops or passes you. The life you save may be your own. If you are turning right on red, with a car in front of you doing the same thing, keep an eye on that car. Make sure it has completed the right turn prior to starting yours. I believe the world would be a much better place if we all lived by “The Golden Rule”- “DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO UNTO YOU. I was teaching a law enforcement class and was happy to see the textbook noted that all major religions have some form of the golden rule as a directive. Try following that rule for a while and let me know if it doesn’t make things better for you. Benjamin Franklin had noted years ago that “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. That might be worth a try. Eating healthier is always on my list, because I’m not good at it, but I think doing that successfully would certainly improve anyone’s life, I plan to try again this year! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Please comment!      

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A forward thinking blog that likes to reflect on where we came from and the values we have developed along the way.

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