In this era with so many topics of disagreement between citizens of our, once united, country I dare not bring up another, but I feel this divisive topic must be addressed.

We have seen headlines and TV News leads about battles between labor and management, conservatives and Liberals, pro-life and pro-choice, gun rights and gun control contingents and so many more. I can’t believe I am doing this and, trust me, if I didn’t think it was serious, I would not bring it up, but I can not let this unreported controversy go on any longer.

I am referring to, of course, the great debate about snooze options on alarm clocks.

Whether your “alarm clock” is a desk top model, a cell phone or “Alexa” it, most certainly, gives you a snooze option. That snooze option has the capability of ruining your morning, if not your life!

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What if the early settlers had snooze alarms? Would they have been as productive? How would they have accomplished a snooze option, would they have thrown a rock at their rooster as it started to crow? Just thinking out loud here, bear with me.

I remember my high school days. My alarm went off. There was no snooze option, I would get out of bed, or miss school.

Fast forward to 2023- several years later- I dutifully set my alarm for 7:30 am. If I actually get out of bed when the alarm goes off I will be able to clean up, say my prayers, and eat breakfast at a leisurely pace then arrive at work rested and ready to perform my assigned duties! Beautiful!

I don’t do that though. What I do is: Incorrectly figure out, in my sleepy mind, when I “REALLY NEED TO GET UP. Eight thirty should work, I don’t have to leave for work until 8:45 or 9!” As a result of the evil snooze button, I have given myself only 15 minutes to shower and race out of the house. I’ll get no breakfast, and I will have to say a “cliff notes” version of my prayers while I’m fighting traffic. Believe me! Some of those prayers are going to be asking for light traffic to allow me to arrive to work on time.

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Sure, there are people who are smart, or organized, enough to properly handle a snooze alarm. I DO NOT FALL INTO THAT CATEGORY! Do you?

Knowing that I have the snooze option I use it. And I abuse it completely!

I have tried to buy a “Normal” alarm clock, and the disrespectful clerk has uttered, in a demeaning tone, “We do have ‘Normal’ alarm clocks, and they all have the snooze option.” Then she added, “It doesn’t cost any extra, just don’t push the button if you don’t want to use it.” OH! How simple that would be if I had the self-control it requires. I DON’T!

It’s like telling an alcoholic just don’t drink, or telling a gambler just don’t bet! I know the snooze is bad for me, but I crave the extra sleep.

I am jealous of the morning people who hear the alarm, jump out of bed and face a bright new day- even if it’s raining!

I am jealous of those who have a strong character and ignore the impulse to snooze.

I am impressed by those who get to bed early and wake up before the alarm goes off.

Most of all, I am angry at those who refuse to manufacture alarm clocks without the snooze option.

I just might start my own NON-SNOOZE alarm clock company, if only I could get up early enough!

Thanks for reading to the end. Please comment and tell friends if you enjoyed this.

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