Sometimes I just enjoy whatever invention I am taking advantage of, air travel, a warm house in December, a word processor or whatever!
Sometimes I think a little deeper. I know that all created things aren’t necessarily good. If you a need to point it out- have at it. I’m just writing this to express my respect for the people whose minds can see a need, potential need, or whatever and turn it into something.
I’ve compiled a short list of things that, at some point in time, some very creative mind said, “Hey! What if I were to….
I understand that many of the inventions/creations that I mention here have been credited to someone, many others happened so long ago we will never know who to thank and others are up for debate as to who was the first.
That being said, I give you my list of things that some amazing minds brought to us that make our lives easier, or affect us, every day!
Who was the first person to think “outside the box” and:
Crush tobacco leaves up, wrap another leave around them, then light it on fire and inhale it to create a cigar?
Do the same thing with paper to make a cigarette?
Drill into a tooth to stop it from hurting? Who was the first person so desperate that they allowed someone to drill into their tooth?
Pull a tooth to stop pain?
Cut into a living human to fix something inside? Again, who was the first person to say, “Yeah, go ahead and see what you find!’- Authors Note: I hope this happened after anesthesia was invented.
Kill an animal, put it over a fire, and eat it?
Put ground coffee beans in a strainer, percolate water over it, and drink the hot liquid it created?
Pound a piece of metal into a piece of wood to connect it to another piece of wood?
Create something sticky to hold objects together?
Make a window?
Color a liquid and put it over wood to make it last longer and look better?
Communicate with smoke signals?
Create a gas to make people sleep temporarily? Author’s Note: How many tries did it take to determine how much was needed to be effective and how much would be deadly?
Splint a bone to help it heal?
Rub sticks together to start a fire?
Make a clock?
Make a calendar?
Create spices?
Put meat in tubes to make hot dogs or sausage?
Create medicine out of plants?
Predict weather accurately?
Communicate verbally?
Create letters, words and structure to document spoken word?
Think of making gears?
Document history with cave drawings?
Create pens, pencils, crayons, ink, ball point pens etc.?
Fireworks? Did they survive?
Bows and arrows?
Rapid fire guns?
Solid rubber tires?
Inflatable rubber tires?
Hearing aids?
Eye glasses?
Magnifying glasses?
Nitro glycerin? Did they live?
Gas stoves?
Refrigeration/ Air conditioning?
String, rope, thread?
Cardboard/Pressed wood?
Drug capsules that dissolve in your stomach? How did they determine how long the process would take?
Remote controls?
Bottle caps/Bottle openers/Flip tops?
I know there are many, many more! Please add your thoughts to the comments section.
Thanks for reading to the end?